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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Jeanne: you are so right!  ALL my republican or trump voting friends believe "we should take care of our own" (meaning white folks). They don't even care about the border issue at the moment, only that they care they are trying to come into our country and they should be stopped. That is all they care about.  My democratic friends though seemed to be more concerned with others and the fact that we are Not an Island, that we are all more connected. I've always been known among my "friends" as the one who is a bit "airy fairy" (which I am not) because I believe in psychics, a collective, spirituality, etc. I have also never been racist and think we should all help one another.  Some of my good friends in the years who feel as I do have passed away, so finding this forum to see there are many who feel as I do and I can "talk" to is refreshing. 

I hate asking this again, for we are all wondering this and what we see in the 2020 election, but I'm just wondering if there are any "updates" in what folks see about Trump and 2020.  I just want to know he will not be here for another 4 years because the pain I feel (literal) in my back and neck and eyes has gotten worse during this time with the humanitarian border crisis and the Epstein stuff coming out.  It literally hurts to see and read about it all!

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I don't see anybody that can beat trump at this time, unless it is Stayer who just came in. They have started a smear campaign against Biden. Oh, he touched my shoulder, he used that word. They are looking at his son Hunter who did business in Ukraine and did Biden use his influence to help him. Hunter has a woman accusing him of fathering her child while he was seeing Beau's widow. He also has had a drug problem. Not Joe Biden, but will still hurt him. Poor Elizabeth Warren looked so tiny between Booker and Beto, and they quit asking her questions, and it seemed that was on intentional . I like several of those running, but like I said nobody has caught fire, I hope that changes 

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TriciaCT, I totally agree.  And call me airy fairy or whatever, I don't give a rats ass what they think about me -- especially in my advancing age!  Actually, what I would frequently hear is, "you are just too sensitive."  And I always felt the judgment behind that.  The thing is, I always seemed to sense a different reality, something more beyond the physical.  And the "something more" wasn't waiting to die and getting a reward in an afterlife -- the "something more" needed to happen now, in this physical realm.  I felt that, even as a little kid.  I always had one foot planted on this earth, and one foot planted in a totally different realm.

WE are not the crazy ones.   It probably sounds like I'm taking sides, us vs. them, and I really don't like hearing myself say that .... but how else to frame this?  I feel connected to everyone on a spiritual level, insofar as we're all part of the same source -- but beyond that, and as a human being, I've really lost my patience.  I probably should be more understanding when I recognize that their reactions are all fear-based.  But what I truly feel is:  GET OVER IT.   People are suffering.  People are dying.   And T**** is the obscene and vile, outward manifestation of our hardened hearts, stubborn denial, and dark history.

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Coudn't agree more deetoo.  On a upbeat note, Amy McGraft (I might not have spelled that correctly but what's new huh?) has thrown her hat in the ring to take outMitch.  If you haven't seen her video she releasted google it and look it up.  It's good.  She also raised over 2.5 million dollars in one day when she declared.  Mitch of course is already bad mouthing her but she has the support of a lot of Kentuckianas all across the state which is good for us! 

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@yogagirl, so funny you mentioned Amy McGrath (I had to look up her last name).  I wanted to ask you about her.  I saw Amy last night on someone's show, and again this morning.   I really like her -- very solid.  I want to contribute to her campaign.  She's politically smart too -- since so many people in KY voted for T., she wasn't badmouthing him.  In the interview I saw last night, Amy reframed it by saying that T**** promised you all of these things, but they're not happening because Turtle is getting in the way.  Which is actually true, although we all know that T. lies and doesn't give a damn about anyone.  When asked whether she would vote for T., Amy calmly responded "no", and then explained why, from a thoughtful, national security perspective.  Given her history as a Marine veteran, she's very believable.   And I love Amy's slogan:  Ditch Mitch!

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Deetoo: Yes !! they used to call me that when I was younger (too sensitive!!) I'm older too and I've started to not care as much what others think about me. Thank you for the post.

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Hi- new poster here, but I wanted to add on to this as I found it really resonated with me. The question of my higher self vs “what I really want to say” is a constant place I go back to.  I am quite lost on this myself. 

I was in grad school for therapy during the 2016 election, and was in a place where I was learning how to empathize- even with the people who my “more human side” hated the most. I remember thinking, how the in the hell would i be able to provide therapy to a trump supporter- how can I help my clients deal with the political climate when I myself and completely lost? I hated that I hated half the country, basically. 

I come from a pretty politically divided state and that reflects clearly within my own family. A few days after the election, feeling so much anger, I realized that a lot of it wasn’t just for trump, it was for all he represented and forced me to see was visible in the people around me. attitudes of sexism racism and bigotry, ways of thinking or speaking, prevalent in my own family- not just because they supported him, but in some ways because they *were* him. 

In a larger sense, it was about my experiences and struggles in just being a woman in our society, and the oppressive misogyny and ways of thinking I hadn’t before wanted to fully, emotionally confront in people in my own family and social life.

It brought up so much anger inside me- anger at people who had abused or taken advantage of me, people who judged or even limited me based on my gender. To be frank, In a lot of ways it was like seeing my rapist become president.

A lot of that anger had been internalized and turned, very deep down, into anger towards myself for either not recognizing the BS in people around me, ignoring it for the sake of “peace” , or purely blaming myself for harm that was done to me, that i had no control over. I was tired of being taken advantage of, tired of seeing the man who assaulted me win- and this attitude of his being reflected in some of the people I loved- my own father! 

I tried to empathize with “the other side”. I tried to feel what they were feeling- which, like you said, seemed to be a lack of security- emotionally financially or otherwise, fear, wanting to feel heard, wanting a sense of control etc- something I believe all of us in this country have felt and still feel today. It seems that is the only thing we have in common- sadly- its those common feelings all of us human being share, and I believe what we feel on a nation wide level.

Not that I ever allowed this to justify their actions or choices, but like I said- i was learning to empathize. 

What im trying to say is, do not be upset with yourself for thinking your more human side of us vs them, and your more spiritual side are at odds. Dont be angry at yourself for being angry. To me, you could not have one without the other- its the anger and resentment we feel that we are being forced to look at that allows us to connect spiritually and raise our consciousness. 

Anger is GOOD. We are being taught that feeling anger and expressing it can be a good thing when done constructively- do not hide from it or shame it- explore it, process it, figure out whats behind it. It might be the only way for our spiritual side, or us empaths in general, to survive in a time like this.

For a long time prior to this political polarization, we were not ‘allowed’ to express our anger, and told that it is bad, disruptive, and unladylike- we told *ourselves* this. Now us empaths are in a time where we have no choice but to feel angry- if you are “connected”- its impossible not to be! and we are going to feel that anger and use it to connect to our higher selves.

Lastly- it’s important to note that being angry or saying things like “i just wish trump were dead” (hello! Me!) do not make you less ‘evolved’ or bad- and being empathetic, sensitive, and deeply understanding does not mean you are obligated to feel okay about, or accept things- other peoples behavior, that are clearly NOT okay. Its not okay what is happening, period! 

Hope that made some sense, just some stuff I am working through and trying to grapple with myself... any further thoughts or building on this is appreciated. 

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@triciact, It's actually liberating, isn't it?  To not care what others think?  I do care and would want to know if I hurt someone, and I do believe in healthy shame.  But beyond that?  Nope.  I think the "too sensitive" label generally means things like "not facing reality, naive, too weak, too fragile, etc."   I bought into that for a while, trying to be somebody else, and I paid a price.  And this too sensitive/fragile/naive thing?  Not true.  We empaths are tough cookies.   

I'm really glad you're here in this community!

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Posted by: Unk p

But seriously, what is it w this administration and kids?   Exactly how many "pizza joints" do they operate? This is getting to be ridiculous

Ridiculous, but yet the millionth indicator that whatever lie they create about someone else in reality refers to something they have done/are doing/will do.

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Re: Amy McGrath

Hubby and I have decided that in lieu of sending any money to any primary candidate (because it really doesn't matter til we know who the nominee is), we're going to send a little money to McGrath. My brother lives right over the KY border in Cincinnati, but for a while lived in Ft. Thomas, KY. I digress, but bottom line I think that it's more important to flip the Senate than it is to worry about who the Dem prez candidate will be. Getting Turtle the f* out of government is crucial.

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Whether or not Goebbels actually said,  "accuse the other side of that which you are guilty," it is exactly what the Republicans do.  It's effective.  And deplorables eat it up.

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I will be donating to her also.  She is amazing.  McConnell needs to go.  He is evil and a traitor to the US.

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T comments. He has advanced dementia. Our country needs to wake up. It's obvious: "You've worked so hard on the kidney. Very special -- the kidney has a very special place in the heart. It's an incredible thing." 

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I so hope McGarth can win over the turtle. He is unpopular, but he has a powerful (money) chinese  wife behind him. 

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Am going to open up a new topic on the Epstein case.  Keep posting here about the issue of whether Trump is unraveling. But the Epstein case is such a huge topic that it needs it's own thread. 


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Sagetarotpices, welcome. I hope you will post some more about this. You have hit on the issue I struggle with the most. I think we need a thread just on this topic. It would go in the top section of the forum where people can reach out and help each other cope.  

Like you wrote so wisely, sometimes anger is an important and healthy response.  Like when the Parkland teens showed their anger - e.g., Emma Gonzalas's top of the car speech. It scared the Right. If enough people rose up in that kind of anger, perhaps it would turn things around.  

But a constant daily state of anger, accompanied with impotence, which is what many of us feel every day in this political climate, is not healthy.  

Anger is a pushing away of the thing we are angry at. It is covering up our sadness and vulnerability, like a barking dog does when it is trying to scare off a perceived threat. When anger performs that function, it is healthy.  But when it just sits inside of us and we go about holding it inside us, it hurts us.  We need a way to accept our anger but we also need to see it as a red flag if its constant.  It's a sign that we need to disengage and take care of ourselves.  

But I know you know this. I'm mostly telling this to myself.   To be continued in a new topic. 

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Here's the new topic on anger -

A place to go to vent, and get help with your anger, or just to be angry or outraged. 

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I read an article this morning on how Trump weathered the Access Hollywood expose. It said that Republicans thought he was done for at that time, but that he had a system for making the problem go away -- he distracted everyone by railing against Bill Clinton's sex-capaids when he was president. He doubles down when he's criticized.  This is the new Republican method.  

It's covered in a new book that's doing the rounds.  here's one article about it.

In the article, he quotes Trump's advice about how to handle womens' accusations:

“You’ve got to deny, deny, deny and push back on these women,” Trump reportedly told his friend. “If you admit to anything and any culpability, then you’re dead. … You’ve got to be strong. You’ve got to be aggressive. You’ve got to push back hard. You’ve got to deny anything that’s said about you. Never admit.”

Acosta is doing it now to save himself and it is working.  

It's a kill or be killed mentality that has taken over the Republican Party.  

There is never much in the way of an admission of guilt or owning up to one's trespasses.  It's just to fire a bigger weapon.  It seems to be the way that Donald Trump keeps from unraveling even though his crimes and affronts  get bigger and more egregious. 

Not only did Trump survive the Access Hollywood debacle, he firmly shifted the moral soul of the Republican Party, which is to say, no moral soul. They were already headed that way anyway.  But American politics was before Trump, still playing according to the rules that if you got exposed doing something unforgivable, you had to drop out. Not they just double down.  

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Posted by: Jeanne Mayell

Am going to open up a new topic on the Epstein case.  Keep posting here about the issue of whether Trump is unraveling. But the Epstein case is such a huge topic that it needs it's own thread. 


Jeanne - that's what I put in the #MeToo posting.

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Oh, just catching up on things here on the boards while Mom is asleep. Dad got ill two weeks ago with a stomach bug. That was only a 24 hour thing, but with his other health issues, things quickly went down hill. He's been in the hospital since Friday, and testing today will hopefully show if we can treat him with medication and send him on to rehab, or if we need to do surgery and then send him to rehab. He's doing better, but he's not out of the woods yet, and both my gut and the cards are not being favorable. Only time will tell if this is just bracing me for what's to come or what is possible. It's also forced me to deal with my narcissistic sister whom I purposely limit contact with. Oh joy. 

Deetoo-my favorite retort to people who tell me that I'm 'too sensitive' is: "so your saying that from my perspective I should see you as insensitive?" It tends to make others think about passing judgement on how others feel. 

In my own personal journey, I've found the more I accept myself and let what others think of me be their problem, the more true I can be to myself. I love my father, but that does not blind me to his narcissism, his racism, his misogyny, his double standards. Part of our anger comes from others having control, and we don't gain it back until we realize and adjust ourselves. They control us because we worry about how we are perceived by others, and we don't want to be like them. It's a Catch 22. You have to take the personalities and connections out of the situation to evaluate them properly. We want validation and approval from our families, friends, and to even want to be thought of well by strangers. The issue is that for those who seek control because of their own fears, they are lacking in this facet. Yes, my father loves me, but protecting his fear of rejection or being inferior will always win. It will be prioritized over me. I'll be thrown under the bus. As a child that hurts, and it's taken me decades to realize that it is his mental issue that causes this-it's not me. I've been fortunate to grow to the point of being able to take his inappropriate behaviors and tell him when his behaviors are a 'parental failure.' His reactions are not good when I do this, but I stick to telling him I feel that as a parent, I wouldn't want to treat my kids that way.  Like too many empathetic people, I worried that I was like them because when I said things like 'what you just did/said hurt me' it was turned back on me. How dare I make such an accusation? How dare I hurt them that way? How dare I think that little of them after all they've done for me? Projection is their way of life. I feel sorry for them that they are so afraid that they have to feel that the only way to shine is to tear others down to look good in comparison. None of us will ever change how they act. Only they can do so. We are lucky that we realize that blowing out someone else's light doesn't make ours shine any brighter. We realize that if I shine, and you shine and we join forces and support each other, things will actually get brighter. 

This is the way the republicans have operated for years. Double standards, projection, and a whole host of narcissistic traits. There are times I get angry and show it to those who are acting inappropriately-but far less so than when I was younger. However holding on to anger and resentment towards our abusers is like drinking poison. It won't hurt them, it only hurts us. Forgiveness isn't about saying what others have done is right or ok. It is letting go of the anger, the desire for revenge or justice, to have peace for ourselves. This puts us back in control in our own lives and robs the abuser of their power over us. The perpetrator doesn't care if you are hurt or angry-unless that is their objective to begin with. We're different, we'd be bothered if we hurt someone-even inadvertently.   

Traitor-tot has some vile supporters-nationalists, violent individuals, and such. But the larger portion of that base are not bad people. They are fearful. They fear that immigrants will take something from them. They claim to be Christian, yet forget that we're supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves. That a few fishes and loaves fed thousands-there is enough for all if the few don't hoard it. It is more beneficial to myself to feels pity for these folks instead of anger or other negatives. They are also in denial and lack accurate information. Ignorance is bliss. Until it's not. The until it's not part is yet to come for them. 

There are other Mango supporters who believed he was Rumplestiltskin-he could spin straw into gold, and felt he could do so for this nation as well. It was a lie-he is not a self made man, nor is he a great business man. He's a crook, like his father, and he is no where as rich as he claims. What he has is from daddy or criminal activity. Eventually this will come out. Just like I believe his sexual predator history will catch up to him. 

He'll maintain some of his base from the most base individuals, but like Justin Amash, people will start to abandon the party that covers for such behaviors. Those who don't abandon the party will abandon Cheatolini and those in the party who have been complicit. Many people believe the spin put out over the Mueller report instead of actually reading it. This includes  people in congress. People will be surprised when they hear what that republican has to say about Traitor-tot next week. As more investigation is done into Deutsche Bank, his taxes, and financial dealings, a more realistic picture of the man will be revealed. He's in the White House not just for power, but to line his own pockets. The tides will start to shift. 

There was a time in my life when I felt there was no God, no justice, no fairness, nothing good. Now I think differently. I believe there is Karma, and sometimes it is slow to come around. I've seen the darkness, so I appreciate the light so much more. Not all are blessed this way- some will experience the darkness, and lose themselves in self pity-never feeling gratitude for the light. 

We don't always know what someone's mission was when they decided to incarnate here. Mango may have been sent by God for all we know. He may have been pre-ordained to rise to power as he has. Was it to make the negative in others become exposed so it can finally be expunged? If so, he'll be racking up Karmic credit. Was it  preordained  and he's greatly deviated from the master plan? If so, he'll have quite the Karmic debt to be repaid. Personally, while I shouldn't judge, I think it's the latter, and I believe he'll pay for his misdeeds. I just haven't a clue if he'll pay in this lifetime, on the other side, or in his next lifetime. 

What we can do is call and write our representatives, vote. Be the light in the world that others will be attracted to. Don't contribute to the us against them mentality, for that only perpetuates it. 

The Dark Side may have cookies, as the meme says. Just remember- we have the light needed to bake them! 

Edited to add: I know that I've already written a book here, but as luck would have it, I navigated away from this site to see what was going on in the world and stumbled upon this article. There now appears to be tape of the leech forcibly kissing a campaign staffer in 2016 as she claims and he denies. As I've been saying, the truth will come to light. I have no doubt there will be more evidence from other cases that will come forth! Have faith!

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