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Ukraine-Russia Situation

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I’ve been reading lately about an interview Biden did, saying Putin is a killer, which led Russia to recall its ambassador; not good, considering the history of the 2 countries and the fact they have thousands of nukes

what do you see happening in this situation? Do you see things getting worse or improving soon? 

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We all live with the threat of nuclear holocaust. We've come to recognize world leaders who could cause a nuclear holocaust.  Trump was the most dangerous because he was ignorant and bellicose.  But he is now gone.

If it ever happens, nuclear holocaust, will happen because of a suicidal person who has control of missiles, or from an accident, or because of an ignorant megalomaniac like Donald Trump.  Most likely would be an accidental launch. 

Until now, Putin has not been suicidal or ignorant.  He has many bad qualities and we look forward to the day he is removed, but he's never shown any tendency to blow up the world. He is a killer in that he has killed dissidents with whom he has a personal vendetta.  To be nuclear holocaust-dangerous, a world leader has to be suicidal or ignorant. Unless they are ignorant, like Trump, they all know that they can't win a nuclear war. 

Darren, we all live with the threat of nuclear holocaust, however it is low down on my list of threats. I am not downplaying the threat, but if you are posting on this site, presumably you are looking for an intuitive feel of this threat. My intuitive feel is that it is not something I worry about, in part because there is little we can do about it. 

I am far more concerned about climate change. We can each do something about that. 


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(@Anonymous 1465)
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Hey everyone, first time posting, i found this old post due to my concerns over the Russia-Ukraine problem (which involves the US/NATO alliance)

Its really beginning to concern me quite alot, considering this could escalate into a potential World War, has anyone got any insight into this? what do you see happening?

I really hope this is just sabre-rattling but i just dont see anything good coming out of this

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First of all Retro1988, welcome to the forum, so happy to have you with us. 

About Russia, I personally have no take on it  but also hope it is saber rattling.

Perhaps someone else here has a thought on the subject.



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This isn't a psychic or intuitive take on it, but Putin is having a pretty rough time in Russia right now, and I think this is an attempt to 1) distract the Russian people (and the rest of the world) from those problems, and 2) put on a brave front that he's still a "strong man" and not an aging and fading politician.  There will be skirmishes on the Ukraine border, I'm sure, and even possibly an attempted invasion/annexation, but ultimately, it will be pushed back.  Putin has lost a lot of credibility not to mention a faithful lapdog in the form of TFG.  I won't dismiss the issue of Russia and the Ukraine; it's definitely worthy of concern and focus, but I wouldn't worry too much about it escalating into a world conflict. Russia doesn't have the money to press it too far, and while it may be a bit dangerous for eastern Europe for a little while, the rest of the world has its own issues.  This attention-seeking behavior by Putin will be pretty much ignored.

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WAPO says Russia looks like it is planning to invade Ukraine early next year.

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These kinds of reports make me curious.  If Russia wants to do something, they will do it, and they won't tell you it's coming.  Russia has never told the world what it was going to do unless it was either 1) bluffing/saber rattling or 2) looking for attention for some other reason.  It makes me wonder why it's being telegraphed this time.

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I believe you are right on both 1 & 2. I read that Putin's aim, or at least one of them, was to get Biden to have a meeting with him which he has achieved.

I listened to a British expert on the history of secret services talk about Putin. He described him the way Jeanne did, an amoral, narcissistic megalomaniac, and related examples of laughably transparent ways that he alters facts (and pictures) to shape his public image. Although he is both smarter and more rational than T, I would worry about what he would be willing to do if backed into a corner. I don't think he is there now, but if there were an effort to unseat him, one would want him completely contained in advance.

Blinken speaks fluent Russian, thank goodness, and appears to use more subtle strategies than calling him a killer, as @14mamjo noted in March.




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FWIW my intuition tells me that russia will not invade ukraine.  They're just trying to assert dominance.  And ultimately they just want to protect themselves, which is kind of understandable considering their chaotic history.

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I respectfully disagree.  I believe Putin will make some sort of attack soon, or at the very least keep his troops in place for the foreseeable future, basically creating a hostage situation.

There are several reasons I believe this.  First, while the inflation is biting us in the US very hard, the inflation issue is much worse in Russia.  The economy has been an issue for them for years, and every time pictures are released depicting Putin's various properties and mansions, he loses more and more support from the regular people, who will eventually get to the point that the threat of Putin to their lives and freedom will be less terrifying than a life of poverty and tyranny. (unfairness and injustice are the slow poisons destined to overturn all governments and dictators).  So a war, in his mind, will unite the country in that everyone else will turn on Russia, as well as distract his people from the problems of his government.

Second, Putin is a victim of his own making.  For decades, he has engaged in a shadow war designed to weaken the west and bring Russia back to the days when it was the USSR and exerting control over many countries.  Everything from hacking emails to passing along false information has been at his behest.  The countries of the EU are fighting amongst themselves on whether to stay or leave the EU, and the US does not desire getting into a military engagement because it fears staying long-term.  This is the perfect opportunity for Putin to strike, and for him to hold back now would make him appear weak (remember, this man is like Trump.  It is better to be bold than to be cautious.  The safety of his own people is not a consideration for him.)

So, Putin will get distraction and a boost to his image by attacking.  What does he lose?  If the EU and US are somehow able to put their differences aside and launch a successful counter-attack, all it will do is unite the Russian people to side with Putin, as they will see it as a "world against Russia" scenario (note: Russia's media is akin to Fox News.  They have millions believing the lies and falsehoods that Putin feeds them on a daily basis.)  And the EU and US will NEVER invade Russia and take Putin out of power.

So...Putin doesn't lose anything in the process if he attacks and/or threatens Ukraine.  But if he doesn't do something soon, his own people may continue to get tired of starving and decide to take him out.  So he needs this attack in order to survive long term.  It's just a hunch, but I suspect there is someone in Russia who may be bidding his time and waiting to take Putin out.  

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Posts that got lost when we had the Site restore to an earlier back up:



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01/25/2022 10:01 pm   


Irish Fisherman are planning on fishing in the waters of the coast of Ireland regardless of the fact that Russia is planning war games there next month. 

An official of the Russian Embassy on Tuesday afternoon said:  "it would be reckless" for the fishing organisation to send boats out to intervene with the exercise.

"We are letting them know that we will be fishing in our traditional fishing areas and if this has an impact on their exercise this would be considered a peaceful protest."

Russian War Games off Ireland??


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01/25/2022 10:23 pm   


@lovendures the cutting of the communication cables is concerning.


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01/26/2022 12:53 pm   


@lovendures Russia may be looking at cutting the underwater cables that connect Europe to Ireland/UK and to the US and Canada. 

And I love those Irish fishermen!  Don't mess with the Irish.

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01/26/2022 1:51 pm   




Oh, yes. good point.

Is it just me or did anyone else's mind go to The Little Boats of Dunkirk?

Putin's Russia vs Celtic Fisherman?

I don't know what will happen in this situation, but I wouldn't want to mess with the fearg of an Irish Fisherman.

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@allyn This feels over the top for Russia. Russia feels "off" to me lately and I think he's trying to gin up a war to try and take the minds of the citizenry off of just how bad Putin and the oligarchs and their families are using their position to feather their own nests while the people suffer. 

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@allyn I had a very interesting dream yesterday. I was in Lenin's Tomb with some people I know, and a tour guide. The tomb had become remodeled, divided in two by a hallway, with glass windows providing a look into the tomb. On the right side going in, there was Lenin, still there. On the left side, there was dead Putin, but instead of being laid out in the traditional manner, he had been arranged so that it looked like he was sitting behind his desk. At the end of the hall was an exit, and it led to a large enclosed courtyard that showcased plants native to Russia. It was actually quite nice, with benches you could sit on, have tea, and talk to people who had lived through "the great purge" (for some reason I think it was 2030, and I'm not sure what the great purge is) and how they had survived and how much better life was now that Russia was a democracy. 


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Is anyone getting a sense of how the Russia/Ukraine/USA convergence will manifest in the near future?

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Your dream suggests that Putin is "a dead"

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I associate the Olympics with Russian aggression (2008, 2014). Just saying.

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@billy-mike all I can say is that after speaking today w a co-worker, a Ukrainian emigree to the States whose grandmother is still there, my chest has ached all day. Putin came out of the KGB and journalists have been disappearing in Russia for years now. I haven't thrown cards, or meditated on this, but my chest aches.

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@raincloud news reports and videos show Putin with problems w physical coordination, odd leg movements while seated, and slower cognition. Parkinsons and spinal cancer are possibilities I've seen mentioned. 

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Thank you for your responses to my question. I am very concerned about what news I've read, and avoid considering the possibilities as they raise my anxiety.   It seems I am not alone.

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There is something interesting concerning the situation with Ukraine that might be tied to the Fatima third secret prophecy.

If you don't know anything about the Fatima prophecies then I suggest you read up on them to learn more. 

To be brief, the Fatima third secrets are 3 prophecies told to 3 Children from the Lady of Fatima apparition in the early 1900s. In addition there was a supernatural phenomena that also occured called "dancing of the sun" and was witnessed by thousands of people.

The first two secrets were shared publicly and they mention things like World War 1 and the rise of communism from Russia. The children were warned that Russia needed to be consecrated to the Lady of Fatima's immaculate heart in order for there to be world peace because Russia would spread its errors to the rest of the world. When the Soviet union and berlin wall fell, the bishops and priests thought the consecration of Russia had successfully been achieved. 

However there is a third secret which is believed by many to not have been fully disclosed publicly, and that only the Vatican and bishops and priests in the close circle around the Pope know the enitrety of the third secret contents. The Vatican now says many years later the third secret was about the assassination attempt on Pope John Paull II, but a few priests in the circle who have seen the entirety of the third secret have said this is not all it says.

It is rumoured that the third secret (according to a few priests who have seen it) mentions  a situation concerning Ukraine and Russia that could potentially destabilise world peace if Russia has still not been fully consecrated. But despite this, there is still hope that out of this situation Russia will eventually be consecrated and an outpouring of peace will ensue.

The other rumoured details are future events about rising sea levels killing millions of people and this is thought to be one reason why Pope Francis has been so vocal about climate change in recent years.

Here is a interview with one of the priests about the third Fatima third secret (Fr. Malachi Martin):

What do I think? I like to keep an open mind. Certainly a year or so ago I have had my own dreams concerning Russia and I know others have had theirs too:

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