• The Trump cards, also known as the Major Arcana (arcana comes from the root “arcane” or mysteries), reflect archetypes of human experience.
  • Archetypes are symbols or idealized versions of everyday experiences that are so common to all of us that we have reactions to them when they appear before us. Andy Warhol made his name by highlighting archetypes of popular culture with his Campbell Soup can and Marilyn images.
  • The Tarot’s Trumps reflect archetypes that go much deeper and further back into human civilization than Warhols. Some of them, such as the archetype of mother, father, the sun and the moon, go back to the beginning of humanity, enabling you to get profound insights when you read.
  • Below are some keywords to help you learn the Trumps. The meanings of these cards, however, go far beyond a few keywords. As you play with them, allow your own associations with the images to well-up.