Psychic reading: A Rorschach Inkblot Test?

We get intuition through our senses. As consciousness flows through us from the universe, we sense it in ways unique to our own being and life experiences. Some people hear the information, like quiet whispers in their heads. Others feel it in their bodies, especially in the gut. When I read someone who's injured [Read More...]

2024-02-25T16:29:09-05:00By |Tarot|

The Four Elements of Human Experience

The ancients divided the world into four energies, which in turn pervade all of human consciousness. These elements show up in your dreams, underlie your thoughts, and form the basis of the tarot and astrology. All the years you played cards as a child, you hadn't realized you were playing with earth, air, fire, and [Read More...]

2022-05-15T12:33:42-04:00By |Tarot|
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