Vocals and photos by Jeanne Mayell; music by  Emmy award winning Matt Paviolatis who was so kind to let me use his music.

When brain researchers asked Buddhist  monk Mathieu Ricard to meditate on compassion, his brain lit up  the brain scanning equipment  showing the greatest levels of happiness and well-being ever recorded in science.

Why would this be?

First because  meditation raises contentment and enables you to be okay with whatever is happening.

And second, sending loving care to another person, which is the kind of meditation he did, has a triple effect:

  • The well-being we are sending has to flow through us before it can go out to them,
  • Because we are all connected, we receive  the other person’s good feeling too.
  • Finally our body is wired to feel happiness when we connect in love with other person.

Above is a wonderful guided meditation video I made for you, that follows the same principles the Buddhist monks use to raise  their happiness levels off the charts.

Not only will it make you happier, research indicates that compassion meditation improves your immune system, helps you to sleep better, increases your focus, lowers depression, and boosts your overall health.

It also expands your intuition, sends healing not only to yourself, but your loved ones, and the whole planet.

So you help make the world a better place!

Join my zoom Circle of Light every Wednesday to participate in a Loving Kindness Meditation.