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Past lives?

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If this is a topic that you would prefer stay out of the forums, Jeanne, please feel free to delete. 

I've learned a lot from all of you on this page and forum, although I've had no luck getting any visions or feelings about anything. I wonder if you all believe in past lives? Does the universe recycle? Have any of you had any images from your past lives? 

I'm very interested to hear your thoughts.

Happy New Year! - Q

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Heck, yeah, Quiet.  If conservation of matter/energy is a law of the universe, so is conservation of consciousness.  IMHO the quantum substructures of the brain are much more like 'receivers' of information than output mechanisms.  Our conciousness is 'out there' and the brain 'tunes it in.'  Body dies, we pick up a new one...a lot like getting a new radio.  We mistake the radio device (bodymind) with the radio signal (consciousness), when in the flesh. 

We're much more multidimensional than our bodily 'equipment' is capable of realizing. I mean that in about six ways at the same time.

Go have a Past Life Regression. Funsies! Have several--and you'll start to cross-map all the connections through time. Do enough of that, and you'll see where your 'self' really is.

Heh.  -R1-

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Life is so short and it seems we need to accomplish so much so I have never believed that we only get one shot at it. In the 70's I was hypnotized in a group setting and transgressed to a past life in Scotland around 1492. I could see myself standing on a high, high hill over looking a castle. I was in a dress and barefoot. I had long strawberry blond hair down to my knees. (I am olive skinned and part Italian and dark haired in this life). Looking at this person under hypnosis I knew it was me and was mesmerized. I watched as a carriage was barreling down the road and turned into the circular road at the castle. There were 2 men hanging off the back of the carriage but I could only see the one that was facing me clearly. He had on one of those hats with a large plume coming out of it and pantaloons.

I then immediately saw myself in my home which was with my parents. it had a dirt floor and there were animals in it. I knew we were extremely poor.

The whole time I was envisioning, the hypnotist was talking to me trying to get me to answer questions. I remember thinking please leave me alone so I can watch this. It was like a movie but I was in it. He asked me if I went to school. I knew what he meant in my head but I kept saying out loud school? what's school? The whole time I had a tick in my neck so I kept moving my head and he told the others I must have had an affliction at that time that made me do that. I still see these things vividly even though it has been over 40 years.

My whole life I had always felt a connection to Scotland. When I was young and picked out some of my clothes they were always plaids which drove my mother a little nuts. but God I loved those plaids. I always feel that I was the happiest there and wonder if I lived a 2nd life there too.

I have always had an aversion to Asian themed things (not people) and wonder if I lived there too and it was not so happy.

My youngest daughter cried for a solid week when she was 2½ because she couldn't find her boots with the stars on them. She spent that week searching everywhere. I kept telling her she didn't have any boots, much less with stars on them. I finally realized she was looking for a pair of boots with spurs (they have little star shaped grips on them) and she must have been a cowboy in her past life. I can't remember if I talked to her about it once I realized but it came to an end and a day later she had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned the boots.

Her son, my grandson remembers parts of his past life outright. We knew when he was 2 years old that he remembered his past life. He was 2½ yrs old and sitting on the couch with an opened can of Nestles Quick and he had it everywhere. My daughter entered the room, saw him and her mouth fell open. Before she could say anything he looked at her and said What? I need my sugar! When he was almost 3 yrs. old they passed a panhandler on the street who was fairly old. After they passed him my grandson came to a dead stop and said, We have to go back and give that Boy money. My daughter said we'll give him some the next time we see him. My grandson said No! that Boy needs money now. She gave him a few dollars and he went back and gave it to him. He was hugging my grandson so hard my daughter had to practically pull him away. He did really odd things like this until about 8 yrs. old.

We figured he had forgotten by the time he was older but when he was around 12 yrs. old my other daughter and I were talking about he wouldn't remember and said he did. He told us that he live in Palm Springs. He said there was never any milk in the house. My daughter asked him if they poor. He said no, nobody liked milk so we never had any in the house but we all loved peanut butter. (In this life when he had been in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, he took a peanut butter sandwich to school every single day for lunch and we didn't understand how he could eat the same thing day after day.)

When he and my granddaughter from my son, met for the first time when they were 3 yrs. old, they saw each other, ran into each others arms and wouldn't let go. They kept kissing and hugging to the point where we said should we separate them? it was surreal. I have a bunch of photos from that and it still amazes me. Years later my granddaughter told me about the dreams she had always had growing up about being on the beach in a different time and it clicked that they had been together in their last life.

his brother didn't remember any past life but he would to see spirits up until about 5 years old.

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Yes, I believe in past lives. (if this makes you roll your eyes, please do not read any further). I had selective mutism as a young child. I literally could not physically speak to anyone outside of the family, it was an intense fear/phobia of speaking up. I would nod "yes" and shake my head "no" in school and that was it. I was basically mute to anyone who was not a family member. I was talkative at home but couldn't speak anywhere else. My parents couldn't figure me out but didn't make a big deal out of it. In school I was actually praised for being "quiet", what they didn't notice was that I was practically mute. Finally in high school when we were forced to do speeches and participate in debates, I opened up a little. But as an adult I had to know why I was such a mute child. So I spoke with a past lives author. He was able to read me without regression, but through spirit guides. In my most recent past life, I was a male activist for Korean independence. However during a protest I was taken down, stabbed in the chest, and strangled to death. The strangling apparently must have traumatized me to the point where in my current life childhood I was afraid to speak for fear it would result in death. The soul remembered but the mind did not. Of course when I was told all this, the emotional floodgates opened and I felt an enormous sense of relief. Now as an adult I feel I have not yet quite found my voice yet, but I am getting there. It takes a long time to heal from this. I am thinking of seeing Reiki healer to open my throat chakra as I feel I am still blocked there from my past life issue. So if I have a next life here, I am going to make sure my voice is heard. If not now then in the future. My heart goes out to anyone who has or has had selective mutism.

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After I had this kundalini experience at 40, I participated in a psychic development group and began reading a lot of Brian Weiss' books.  Gigi's experience sounds very like the kinds of experiences Brian Weiss related from his regression work to heal trauma associated with past lives.  At about that same time, I began having very vivid dreams as well as recurring ones.  In one of the recurring dreams, I am in a large wooden building.  Soldiers are running through it.  I am a woman in a long dress and a little boy and an old woman are behind me and to the left.  A soldier stops in front of us with a gun drawn.  There is a heavy wooden beam in front of me and I feel an adrenalin rush focused on the need to pick up the beam to defend myself, the old woman, and the child.  The dream ends.  Here's the interesting part: my father has had the same recurring dream from the perspective of the child behind me.  In another dream, I was riding a camel across the desert.  I felt the undulations of the ride and sand between my teeth.  When I came to a camp, a scrawny, little man got off his camel and unwound his turban which released his long, coarse, graying hair.  I set up a little tea set of sorts made of bronze on a small but beautiful silky cloth.  While the man's build and coloring are nothing like my father in this lifetime, I knew it was him. 

While I was always close to my father when I was younger, he was/is an alcoholic, so I felt a fair amount of rage towards him.  I decided to go on a journey of soul retrieval with a shaman.  I spent nine months building a shrine in my heart chakra and determining the theme I wanted to address in preparation for my journey.  I decided it would be feelings of never being good enough.  No one has ever been able to hypnotize me, but during the journey, I went far down into my shrine and outside of my body.  The shaman kept asking me to look into a mirror she had me place in my shrine.  She asked me what I looked like.  I struggled really, really hard to tell her that I wasn't in any particular outfit but that I saw myself in light.  It was a deep purple light.  She called upon the parties who held my light related to my theme.  My father showed up in an aurora of beautiful blue hues and gave me back my light.  I initially couldn't identify the luminescent pearl moonlike light that was my mother, because she always had such a strong physical presence in my life.  I had to struggle with her to get back my light.  I told the shaman she wouldn't give it to me.  The shaman said it was because she thought it was the only thing that would bond us together in this lifetime.  Finally, she gave it to me and this organic red pulsing light like a heart came back into me.  Since that time, I've never really had any problem with my dad.  I did continue to have conflict with my mother until later I resolved some issues with one of my sisters.  From the shamanic experience, I learned to rinse off whatever light I had taken from others, when I found myself in conflict them and to return that light to them. 

Interestingly, I had not interacted with one of my sisters for a very, very long time.  We ended up sharing a room in a hotel, and she shared how she had gone to a shaman and gone a journey of soul retrieval based on her relationship with me.  She said that when the shaman showed up to ask me for her light back, I was standing there ready to give it back to her.  This sharing positively transformed my relationship with my entire family.   My sister's work with her shaman transformed her life.   

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I have been interested in past lives. I've been interested in certain countries, and time periods, which I think may have been places where I might have lived. I had a vision of me as a female American Indian standing among the redwood trees of California, and another of me as a girl in Roman dress looking up at a hole in a wall. I did not see bars, but I think I was in jail. My husband said that he was shot off a bridge in Germany during World War II. He had to have come back fast since he was born in 1943. That's probably  why he remembered it.
