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Of Metaphors And Senses

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Some thoughts to ponder and discuss if you are so inclined.

When receiving information and messages about the future (or present), how much of the information do you receive as a metaphor  compared to a simple  straight forward message?  

Are the responses to your questions actually answering the question asked or something else that was on your mind while asking?  

Do you receive messages based upon your learning style?  For example, if you are a visual learner, do you intuitively pick up your information visually.  If you are an auditory learner, do you tend to  hear the information given to you more often that see it?  If you are a kinesthetic learner, how do you receive your information?  

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Love this thread!  Great questions, quick responses:

1. How often do answers come in metaphors? I get my answers often in metaphors and symbols.  From the beginning of first realizing I could read intuitively, I would see these funny sets of symbols, some personal to me, some universal  to all humans, and some cultural.  They seemed like spirit was speaking in an almost comical language that I had to learn.

I later learned that the symbols fit Karl Jung's understanding of how symbols work in human thought - with the personal, the cultural, and the universal symbols.  He wrote about it in Man and His Symbols.

It was a language that I was learning that was made of up pictures.

Also when reading something or someone, I get metaphors and comparisons to situations that are not the same but can be interpreted as being close enough to the issue in question to help provide insight.. 

The Nobel Prize winning physicist, Erwin Schrodinger who studied the tiniest particles in order to understand the fabric of reality, said that reality exists as metaphor, shrouded mystically as something we can only understand indirectly.  So it makes sense that the language of spirit would be in symbols and metaphors.

The letters of our alphabet are symbols too or hieroglyphs. So words are made up of symbols. 

2. How often does the answer seem to be to a different question than the one you asked?   Often I find the answers are the answer to the underlying question I am asking.  So the answer can go to the heart of the question. Example, here's a typical answer to the question,  "Am I ever going to be loved?"  I'm asking a yes-no question but I rarely get a yes or no for an answer. Instead I'm likely to get something like, "You feel unloved at this time."  Or "You feel unlovable." The answer might say more about those feelings to help with more insight. 

So the answer might be that the real issue is how you feel about yourself, not whether someone is coming in who will solve that for you.  They can't!  Only you can allow love by loving yourself.

3. Do you get answers according to your learning style?  Yes, at first because I thought my style was only visual. Then I learned to open up my other senses and started getting answers that way too -- words, sounds, smells, feelings in the body. 

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Thank you Jeanne!

I appreciate your interesting response.  I sometimes wonder if Spirit answers in puzzles to make us work for the information.

They seemed like spirit was speaking in an almost comical language that I had to learn.

Boy, I relate to this!

Michele, BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Yes, yes, yes in agreenent with both of you Lovendures and Jeanne. Only time i get a direct image is when I'm really tired of looking for lost objects and about to give up, then ding! A picture showing where it is. Not one of my gifts but happening a lot in the last 2 years to make up, perhaps,  for too many senior moments ??

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Yes, yes, yes in agreenent with both of you Lovendures and Jeanne. Only time i get a direct image is when I'm really tired of looking for lost objects and about to give up, then ding! A picture showing where it is. Not one of my gifts but happening a lot in the last 2 years to make up, perhaps,  for far too many senior moments ??

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Oh YES metaphors abound.  I'd venture to say that everything is a metaphor - just depends on how long and deeply you care to look at it.  

I just watched The Red Violin on Netflix and WOW!!!  Powerful stuff on Tarot reading - metaphor - spiritual journey - cross cultural and timeline lives - cross animate and in-animate lives.  I don't want to spoil it, and highly recommend it.  (Subtitles involved, so if that's not your thing, fair warning :-))

Has anyone seen it?  Jeanne, this would make a great teaching tool, I think, about some of what we read; and why we get it right, and why we may think we get it wrong.  This movie, for me, helped illuminate where a focus in a reading can take us in a true direction that we may never see as a "hit", yet the reading proves to be true on another more metaphorical level. Not saying this is definitive, but it certainly opened a path of exploration on how we perceive our readings and how our readings are perceived as "hits" by ourselves and the general public.  It certainly goes to the core question of what is truth and how metaphor resonates as truth - even though to many it may seem quite removed from the original truth.  

Now I'm just blabbing, so I'll stop... for now.


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@Michele  in another thread (economy), you wrote about “Something each of us says any place here relates to those open to receive and looking and perhaps even needing.”  Recently, I’ve been preoccupied and struggling with personal issues even to the point of questioning my spiritual gifts.  So my posts have been fewer and sporadic, only writing when I felt compelled to participate.  I meditated and did some channeling the other day, but felt so uncertain about the results that I didn’t share them.  Then I totally missed the shared meditation of the full moon a few days ago. Frustrated that I missed that!    So, yes, I’ve been searching and needing reassurance.  Today I believe I received it.  A little while ago,  I was so tired I had to lie down to rest, falling immediately into deep sleep.  Then in my sleep I saw a blue and white pattern in tiny squares, row after row of geometric symbols, almost like a Greek key pattern as far as I could see.  Then imposed on the symbols, I saw large letters appearing right to left. First L then Y then B then I then S until the word Sibyl appeared before me.  So, I guess that’s the reassurance and encouragement needed.  I am a sibyl, an oracle like the sibyls of Ancient Greece.  Perhaps we are all sibyls, a community of oracles here.

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I am intrigued that you have gotten a Greek Myth vision reference.  Others have as well including Jeanne. Does anyone have any idea why this is the case?  Greek Mythology is quite rich and deep but I would venture to guess there is more at play here. 

So interesting.

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Many years ago, I studied Latin so there were always references to the original Greek gods and myths.  However, I was never a classics scholar, so most of the Greek myths are barely familiar.  Which makes this all the more interesting, doesn’t it?

Illustrious Member Moderator
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Yes, it does.   I have read some of them but not on a scholarly level.  It makes me wonder. You know how some people have Native American Spirit guides?  I wonder if there are  Classical Greek Spirit Guides?  I also wonder if they sometimes like making people "work "  for the message being sent. ha ha.    

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The philosopher Charles Eisenstein has suggested that the ancients are trying to speak to us through their myths.  I definitely feel they are speaking to me.  :-)

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Sometimes messages come to us in the strangest ways. It's hard to know meaning of intuitive messages until the event has taken place.  (Hindsight is 20/20) I've been having a pressure in my chest for the last week - no weird dreams, no angelic messages - just a heavy heart. There has been nothing in my life out of the ordinary and I'm perfectly healthy (thank God).  Finding out about Kobe Bryant death yesterday makes me wonder if  I was feeling what the collective would be feeling this week.  It makes me question the point of receiving messages from spirit in advance if we don't know what they mean and we can't do anything to warn/stop these situation from happening. 

BlueBelle, Lovendures, Marley and 9 people reacted
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After my meditation today, I was led to channel via automatic writing and this is what came through...very Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, but appropriate considering how often today we think of our founding fathers, the trials of revolution and the challenge to create our democratic republic.


Listen my child, and you shall hear  

voices and visions from far and near.  

No longer by horseback, the visions come fast, 

and rest assured your country will last.  

Trump is on his way out, of that is there no doubt.  

He is proven a liar, a cheat and a lout.  

His family will fall, his name will be tarnished, 

His minions will fall as the truth outs unvarnished.  

No tyrant survives, truth always conquers.  

Our dreams and visions flourish and linger.    

Call on your higher powers, your guides to protect you,

and believe in a future that better connects you.

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I LOVE this!  Thank you for sharing! You channeled a posting Spirit Guide and with a bit of humor. A fun way to receive a message.  You even got the word minions.  

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@bluebelle, I had some disturbing dreams last night, so when I woke up and read your channeled poem, it really made me smile.  I feel so much lighter -- thank you!  I've never channeled, but I do have a spirit guide who has a wry sense of humor.  I think that guide sits with me whenever I watch Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm.  ?

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I'm not good at the symbolism sometimes thrown my way in dreams or flashes-even the cards. Sometimes it is obvious, like when I saw my passed grandfather enter a pool in full suit and walk from the shallow end to the deep. He was telling me his family was going under. It's just what happened. My sister communicated to me the day after she died that she was ashamed of how she'd treated me and my parents, and given that I was shaken by her death, it took me months to get all the symbolism the dream held. She used scenes that were similar to movie scenes that she knew I'd recognize. I love movies. So yes, @luminata, I've seen the Red Violin. The first time I saw it, friends from church had rented it. It was interesting watching from the perspective that I read cards prior to seeing the movie, my sister made her living as a psychic-medium, and most of these folks viewing didn't believe in either, nor did they know that I read tarot long before joining their church, or my sister's occupation. 

Now, I do often see things in the cards that don't relate to what I'm asking. I learned through books, and I have the zodiac references tied to certain cards, just as I have seasonal cards as references. What I've found is that I'll be trying to read something outside my life and what I see in the cards will be oh-that's this relative, etc. overriding what I was asking about. Sometimes it is spirit trying to tell me that something is coming down the pike. Sometimes it's me looking for answers subconsciously instead of reading what I've actually asked about.

Sometimes things are pretty straight forward. I haven't been around much these last few weeks because of family issues. Mom was diagnosed with Lewy Body (previous diagnosis was Alzheimer's), but the declining mental state hasn't fit with the physical decline for some time. Dad has refused to use his Parkinson's walker for months now, and insisted that he was capable of handling mom. I have told him for months he was going to fall and break a hip. Or that he would not be able to handle her and they'd both fall. We even discussed the death of his friend who had Parkinson's-who died from injuries received in a fall. He's refused to listen. So, two weeks ago, after landing mom on the floor 3 days prior trying to get her up from the sofa (no harm done), he tried to get her out of a chair in the kitchen. He couldn't handle her and they both went down. It aggravated her bad back, and fractured his hip. He refused to even go to the doctor or use his walker. He's rather walk in pain than admit he was wrong or that I was right. As his ability to walk declined, I finally talked him into getting a doctor's appointment to get checked out. I woke that night hearing that he couldn't get out of the bathroom. Took 2 walkers and all I had to get him back to bed. I told him I'd call an ambulance in the morning if we could keep him comfortable thru the rest of the night. He actually got to sleep, and when I heard him snore, I too went to sleep. I woke before anyone because I was hearing the 5th Dimension's singing "One Less Bell To Answer." I knew then he'd be leaving my house and not returning. I hadn't heard that song for decades I'd guess. For the younger crowd, the first three lines read "One less bell to answer, One less egg to fry, One less man to pick up after."  I personally think given his situation it will be a permanent relocation. I'm still not sure if it was an indication that he'll be passing soon, but I do know that I'm in talks to have him remain at the nursing facility when his rehab is over, as well as placing mom there as well. Spirit couldn't have been more blunt with that message. Just two days ago, I actually heard a 5th Dimension song (Didn't Get To Sleep) on the radio. Spiritual reinforcement I'd say.

@bluebelle, I was just googling Paul Revere and the Midnight Ride in the last week. Mostly looking up the midnight ride, as I couldn't remember who went with Revere. It was Longfellow's poem that has made us remember Revere, but he was not alone, and the poem took liberties. I was trying to remind myself that in our history, things get distorted over the years. Washington never cut down a cherry tree, nor did he wear wooden teeth. I agree, that the founding fathers are around, helping us thru this time, and truth will prevail. In the shots that were heard round the world in Lexington that April morning after Revere's ride, the residents of the town were outnumbered by the redcoats, but still they prevailed. Same can be said for the revolution that followed. I like how spirit reminded you of this at this particular difficult time. 

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