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[Solved] Godwinks: The Power of Synchronistic Coincidences

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My life has been filled with synchronicity whether it is recognizing the quiet intuitive voices inside of my head or the amazing number of often quite random and unique signs and symbols that come to my attention.

I cannot read here or experience any of our online get togethers without all of you bringing in the most beautiful moments of connection with often the simplest or smallest moments of great meaning.

These moments are often referred to as "Godwinks/godwinks" (capitalization or not--depending on your personal, spiritual, or religious choice of referencing).

I know that all of you have them as well. Many of you recognize and act or incorporate them as signs of meaning and direction in your current or future lives, while others just enjoy or laugh at the fabulous "randomness" of them.

The moment of recognition and potential connection and understanding is what is so lovely!

And as the highlighted connecting link explains to the term, they often provide hope and inspiration during even the most challenging of times.

Please share your  own stories that you experience or have experienced in the past.

And again, whether he (or any of you) use that term or not, @coyote and his own life changing story of an encounter that provided a wonderful "aha" moment of divine or inspirational understanding and one that flowed in so beautifully is a super example in a larger sense

A moment of power and awareness that immediately created a cascading epiphany of energy and connection that is now activating and spiritually directing his life.

Most of us have far more tiny signs and symbols that we just recognize and enjoy. As you recognize them or share them, you will not only inspire others to notice and recognize their own more frequently but the exponential increase of awareness will soar into all of us as readers individually but also as a larger and larger group collectively.


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I will try, though I'm not sure how much of this will come across with an abbreviated telling. Also, I have gained a lot from reading this forum and benefited from people's openness and vulnerability with sharing their inner worlds, yet I still find the prospect daunting to participate in personally. Yet I want to, and I want to grow, and I want to help others grow, if my experiences can help anyone else. So, here goes:

A couple of weeks ago I did some journeying which involved going into a light trance. Immediately upon entering the trance, I alit in a bamboo forest, and became aware of the presence of a beautiful, translucent green goddess filling a large part of my view. The feeling I got from her was of  profound tranquility and compassion. I was able to rest in her awesome tranquility and compassion, and later I became aware of the healing/growth/vibrancy that filled her and I could feel within my own body and cells. I was awed and deeply touched by her presence. Very alive but peaceful and grounded. This was all quite magical and unexpected to me, to be in this place with her. I could feel that my guide for this journey also was also caught up in the unexpectedness and marvel of all this. I should make clear that my guide only accompanied me, did not originate any content of the experience.

Later in the session I was grappling with trying to heal a certain specific emotion that comes up for me a lot, and was asked to come up with a time when I first noticed this emotion being evoked. I thought of a very small incident that seemed to encapsulate it, and described a time when I was a child and I spilled milk and, consequently, due to the ensuing uproar, was sent to my room.  After this, it became more and more difficult for me to sustain the trance, and we finally decided it was time to stop.

The session was held late at night, and as I went to bed that night, I found that I was still feeling quite awake, so I searched for a sleep meditation on an app on my phone, to slow me down so that I could sleep. I picked one at random that, lo and behold turned out to be all about a child who spills milk and breaks a glass, and two possible responses to that occurrence. That was sync-wink number one.

The next day my yoga teacher texted me that class that night was designed around invoking our inner goddess, to help us to lean into our personal goddess energy in order to enjoy life and realize our potential. She had never in all the years I've been going to her class designed a class like this, around the notion of a goddess. Sync-wink number two!

I felt the humor and "thumbs-up" encouragement of the universe in both instances.







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I will try, though I'm not sure how much of this will come across with an abbreviated telling. Also, I have gained a lot from reading this forum and benefited from people's openness and vulnerability with sharing their inner worlds, yet I still find the prospect daunting to participate in personally. Yet I want to, and I want to grow, and I want to help others grow, if my experiences can help anyone else. So, here goes:


Gratitude and blessings for taking a chance and being vulnerable for this!

It is an incredibly beautiful and heartfelt vision and pretty amazing god/God/syn-winks! I felt myself enter the vision and understood it without words needed. Powerful and so truly lovely in this past/present/future world of such beauty and light and yes, the divine feminine/goddess energy as well. 

Wow! Just loved and was deeply touched by this!! 


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Thank you, Michele. Thank you for such warm and beautiful reply. It is lovely to feel heard.

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And dear raindrop, do not be disheartened by the lack of attention or comments on the thread except for me and thee.

Worldly focus is most often on politics now. You and I are being drawn more and more to other worldly and secret readers abound just not ready to post.

But since I started this topic my  awareness of connection has skyrocketed.  I hope yours are too. It's all about the tiny syncs and winks.

One day it was all about my newest cats name. I was so  busy being in a crowd of people all getting their pets neutered in a low cost clinic where it takes months to get an appointment and then two heroic and very giving/caring vets did dozens and dozens of cats and dogs in one day.  I also noticed facemasks on owners and felt a chill so distracted my energies of fear in the crowd (over pets in surgery no doubt) and randomly picked up an old magazine.  Major article on the rescue of a cat with my cats name (not on the most popular animal names list) then after I brought my boy home I turned on a show id been following on prime for 11 seasonal episodes on my phone and there's an old man suddenly yelling my (his) cats name.  That went on and on. Wink by wink usually in sets of 3 every day since.  Loved it and many others.

Anyone else winking and blinking lately? 


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And yes even if it only me and thee it's for some very fabulous much needed connection. I always tell people I meet to keep talking sooner or later the six degrees of separation (or rather truly connection) will be known.

Luckily for others after being incredibly shy even tongue tied shy until I was 30 now i talk up a blue storm to anyone and everyone.  I grew up on a real island and now I live in a self imposed one by choice. ?


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Haha! Your post made me laugh and smile.  Yes, getting up in front of a room has not traditionally been my thing, but I'm getting better at it. And having your nice reply definitely helped me to feel good about piping up. That's very cool about the cat's name. And may he/she thrive and prosper under the moniker.  This isn't really a sync-wink for me, but I finally read back over my dreams of the past couple of weeks and I was astonished by how many times I dreamed of massage and trees. Yes, my inner guidance seems to be taking me down to a low, sweet space of growth and nurturing and away from all the outward turmoil of the world. For whatever reason. I find it very reassuring somehow.

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The godwinks are continuing to cascade, like the aftershocks of a massive earthquake.

I wrote about this on your 11:11/pennies thread, but I see the sequence "1234" quite often, and I've known for a year or so that that's the universe's signal to me. In the past month, though, in addition to seeing 1234, I'm also seeing 333 a lot (my life is governed by cycles of 3). Yesterday morning, I went into Boston again for another medical appointment. Even though that was my only scheduled appointment and it was over by late morning, I decided to stick around at Mass General Hospital to see to some clerical things. Well, by the time I got all of that done several hours later, my nerves were frayed from the soul-crushing atmosphere that imbues all hospitals. As I was walking to the subway, though, I checked my phone for the time and it was - you guessed it - 3:33! The universe was saying I was on the right track and that I was doing everything I needed to be doing for healing.

It gets better. This morning I pulled a tarot card for guidance over the next few days, and I pulled the 6 of Wands: Victory - Spiritual progress after tough times...A time to celebrate your achievements. be proud of who you are and have the confidence that you can achieve your goals with effort.

Posted by: @raindrop

Yes, getting up in front of a room has not traditionally been my thing, but I'm getting better at it.

Your openness, raindrop, about your journey session was indeed healing for those of us who've read it, so keep pushing yourself. Being vulnerable on this forum is a win-win situation. When you share your life experiences with community, you affirm the validity of those experiences while also enriching the souls of your readers/listeners. We all have lessons to teach the world that we learned from our particular life paths. 


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Love your numerical sequences. It is beyond wonderful that your triggers, understandings and connections are pouring in.

I know I don't have to say the usual take extra good of yourself things but the mother and grandmother in me sees all of you as my extended star family and gathercall of you into a huge  cosmic circle of an embrace and hold space for so many very very quickly accelerating energies now.

I am so so grateful that so many of you are wiser then I was about the dangers but we are all so much more blessed in this information age to have the giant spirit web of informational light and knowledge only a few keystrokes a way that we all share now. What a very different world it is than the 70s on when we were open and just learning to play with energy fields, sitting in homemade pyramids and trying to run our merkaba and other astral traveling  fields. Hahaha.

We are blessed to have you and so many other brave helpers a d teachers here now from all worlds not just this one!

Godwinks to you!

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In my life, spiritual guidance has come in myriad forms, even without consciously asking for it.  When I don't ask for such help, unusual and/or synchronistic events will often occur.  I would like to think that I'm always open to such daily miracles, but sadly there have been many times when I've missed those spiritual messages.  Too busy, too controlling, too fearful, too proud ... too whatever.  But sometimes, when I remain stubbornly blinded to the truth, I just might be -- if I'm lucky -- spiritually hit over the head. 

Years ago, when my faith was shaky and I was going through a very difficult period (divorced, angry,  confused, depressed), spirit spoke to me through the Rolling Stones.  Back then, music -- especially the hard rockin' kind -- was the one thing that kept me going.  One day when I was particularly distressed, three people said to me, independent of one another, "well, you know the saying ... you can't always get what you want, but if  you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need."  Two of the people were coworkers, and the third was a cab driver.  When I arrived home from work that evening, I turned on the radio and -- you guessed it -- there was that Stones' song.   I guess my spirit guides/angels knew that particular song's message would eventually penetrate my thick skull.   All I could do was laugh, shake my head, and exclaim "Okay!"  But the best part was, I knew at that moment there were higher beings there to guide me. 

 I just have to be open to it.  

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Thank you so much, Coyote. I have read some of the things you posted elsewhere about narrative medicine (I'm not sure if that was what you called it, but that's what I'm calling it) and this idea has long resonated with me. Thank you for reminding me that my post re my journey/session is in this vein, and, yes, indeed was/is healing for me to tell (despite any trepidations I had).

Somewhere I read of Ethiopians healing from war trauma by gathering to grind coffee beans and tell their stories and dreams as they went about the simple morning ritual of preparing coffee together. I believe storytelling to be an often missing element of medical practice today, and have sought to understand how we might incorporate this art more fully.  In my own work as a massage therapist, from time to time I've been gifted with the amazing personal stories of clients' important life struggles/triumphs /transformations. It's amazing when it happens, and is definitely healing for me to hear and them to share and be heard.

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Yes, I call it narrative medicine, but also sometimes “mythic” medicine, because it’s about accessing the mythological dimensions of one’s own life. Pretty much all of the world’s shamanic traditions utilize narrative/mythic medicine.

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Here's my Godwink for the day and I think its hilarious! :) 

At work I have a computer with Windows 7 as the operating system.  A few weeks ago, when Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 our IT department decided that it was too dangerous to let Windows 7 computers have access to the internet, so all Windows 7 computers were completely cut-off from any outside website.  Instead, to access the internet we have to remotely log-on to a Windows 10 machine, virtually, from a remote desktop application. 

So, about 30 minutes ago, I decided to take a break and browse through this forum.  So I'm looking through the forum and go to hit the back button and realize, wait a minute, this is my normal browser!  I forgot to go to the virtual machine.  My first thought is that the internet is back up for a bit, through some snafu.  So I start checking other websites: Google: denied. Yahoo: denied. NY Times: Denied. 

Every website that I try is still blocked, except for, MIRACULOUSLY,!

? ? ? ? ? 

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That is so funny!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 


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HHAHAHAHA!!! LOL - that is not only funny but a really nice thing to hear. ❤️ ? 


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I absolutely, positively love that beyond words!

Our fabulous interdimensional energies and openings to multiple universes at work without being affected by the earthly confines of traditional space-time-technology!

You found one of our portals to Shamanic dreamtime! Now let's see what other abilities you manifest after this ???

Beam us up Scottie we're all tired of Broken Windows DT anyway! ???

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, CC21 and 12 people reacted
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Spirit is urging me to share this. Earlier this evening,  I wrapped up my little contribution to a discussion on shamanism, which had developed as an offshoot in the forum about Kim Jung Un’s fate. I thought it was signed, sealed and finished off with a bow. But barely hours after writing about the blessing I had received from Andean Q’ero shamans in Los Angeles 30 ago, I received this link to a teaching from an Andean spiritual leader who happens to be in lockdown right now in...Los Angeles.

Her message seems be directed at other spiritual teachers in the Andes but carries meaning for all light workers. We need to be “lighthouses” to ride out these difficult times and leverage the unprecedented opportunity for global transformation. I don’t have nearly the depth of understanding of shamanism as do a number of you here including @vestralux and @coyote and many others, but this message is so clearly articulated, it can be universally understood.



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@pikake I loved that, need that! Thank you for sharing, Pikake.

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Blessings abound. What a beautiful, beautiful expression of all that I've learned and continue to learn and am always striving to live for my entire 70 years of life.

Everytime i look at my own life challenges or those of my children and grandchildren, spirit reminds me once again why we are all needed and how our challenges and losses are all parts of the gifts and the shifts of transformation.

I have been blessed with shamanic visions and even experiences but this beautiful gift of a human being exemplifies a profound expression of a true body of light in all ways.

What a gift to experience this sharing. Thank you. It actually makes me realize that I can continue to hold space, and pain, and loss in all the ways my own being is needed for as long as and painful as i know it will be.

My hope soars even higher and lighter. I am filled with tears of beauty, light and great gratitude for her gifts and yours in recognition and sharing. Thank you for the gift you (and everyone here) are to all of us here, as well.

Namaste in all languages of the light.

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Posted by: @michele-b

Thank you for the gift you (and everyone here) are to all of us here, as well.

Namaste in all languages of the light.

@michele-b, I could feel the warmth in your gracious words, and I am moved to reply. I am relatively new to this forum and had I known better, I would have included your name in those well versed in shamanic visioning and journeying. I would love to hear more.

The message is indeed uplifting - so glad you created a thread where it was appropriate to share a teaching of light. I feel so blessed to have come across this forum; I am gifted with so much every day. Namaste!??? (love your sign off and may borrow it!)

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