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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Good morning, @lawrence,

Looks like you posted under the "Impeachment ..." thread.  I believe it was meant to be posted in two places.  To be sure we heard it!  Maybe you were channeling the spirit of Gandhi.  


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@deetoo Thanks!  I dreamt a lot about Mitt's courageous actions last night. They will prove to be very important. 


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I've been analyzing Mitch McConnell's numbers as he is the #1 demonic helper who has successfully enabled Turd to remain in office. Mitch's numbers are particurally bad for the future - especially after 2020. 

Mitch is an 11/2 birthforce - which is a sign of a powerful LEADER with a 3 destiny (he uses his power with his WORDS). And he is in a 9 pinnacle - which is supposed to be a path that motivates people to help others and humanity. Currently Mitch is in a 8 personal year (executive powers - but also very karmic). He's also in 6 essence - which gives him HUGE responsibility. But unfortunately Mitch is using his leadership powers to suppress the facts (words) about the president given to him by the democrats in order to keep Turd in office. Sadly, I predict he's going to get away with this most of the year. But starting on his birthday next year, when he goes into an 11/2 essence (on February 20, 2021) the Universe will start holding him accountable (if not before this time!!). He is also transiting an 'S' - which is sudden and unexpected happening. I have no way of knowing what will happen to Mitch, but this 'S' usually is very unpleasant and very personal, and I predict it will be something MAJOR. Then 2022-2024 brings Mitch the 16/7 essence, which is likened to the Tower card(16th card!) in the tarot - it's the dark night of the soul. He has a chance for redemption starting after his birthday in 2024, but given his advanced age, I don't know if he will have that opportunity. 

It's unfortunate Mitch has taken the path he chose. He was supposed to be a powerful leader to help mankind, but instead he chose the path that only enriched himself and his cronies. The Universe always helps those leaders with an 11/2 prominent in their charts (example -Obama, John McCain) as long as they are working FOR THE GOOD OF SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. But for those who take the wrong path and instead choose to only help themselves or a small group of people, they are given just enough rope to hang themselves.(example is Hitler - he also had an 11/2 in his chart!!)


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Thank you for that Frank. I agree it the energy in politics is low, but yours is very bright and we appreciate the injections of brightness you provide - always. Thank you for doing the automatic writing! ? ? 


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Many people I know have removed facebook from their lives. They notice it's a tool for Russian bots to instill infighting between friends who have different political views. It's the #1 way that T and Russia affected our elections. Plus it's a way for some people to use a platform to instill negativity. (Bullies etc).  You may notice you are much happier if you don't use it.  I myself noticed this.

Blessings to you! ? 


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Thanks, @triciact!  I'll just add that over the past week or so Donald Trump's energy has changed.  Before when I would look at him I'd see dark, shadowy strands coming out from him in every direction like tentacles.  However, recently, I look at him and see him engulfed in that same energy like it's being bottled up and he's now suffocating on it. Most people clear their own negative energy by dissipating it, consciously or unconsciously, back into the earth or up into the universe.  DT, however, has been clearing his negative energy by sending it out into the world and onto others. I think he's no longer being allowed to do that.  Unfortunately (although I guess with this audience a more apropos word would be "fortunately" ?) I don't think he'll learn to dissipate that energy in a more healthy way before it starts doing some serious damage.  For this reason, I'm expecting him to suffer a major health event relatively soon (within the next year) which I think has also been foreseen by others on this forum.


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Funny, I just (two min ago) asked Lawrence & everyone what they thought of his health in the Impeachment forum link. When my husband and I both looked at him at the SOTU, we both had a bad feeling about it, like he may not make it to the election. (I stated I am not good at/ or ever have predicted someone's death, though others are better at that than I am). He appeared MORE than just sedated to me.


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@polarberry it’s funny you mentioned George.  I was watching some of the YT readers that I like and two that I really follow said that they saw a shadow over Schiff shoulder when he was speaking.  Both claimed when they closed their eyes and meditated it was George Washington.  
@Frank at Yoga this morning we were talking about nodes and energy flow.  Turd has some major chakra blocks!  I truly believe he is on drugs whether legal or not.  He is not healthy mentally or physically.Like his good buddy Rush he can easily be about to reap a large dose of Karma.  And we all know what they say about Karma!

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I've only had a little bit of time here and there in the last several days. I purposely did not watch the SOTU or the trial. I watched guilty pleasures -old movies, tv shows not on stations that would pre-empt, streaming things. We all knew in advance what the outcome was going to be because of Moscow Mitch's early warnings that they were working with the WH on all impeachment matters. That flies in the face of what the founding father's had in mind and what the constitution says. I've always said that Mueller would go down in history as a hero. He was rushed and blocked in all he did. But he was on the right side here. Likewise those who stepped forth at the House hearings were heroic. Adam Schiff has been something, and I continue to pray for those who are standing up to be counted among those who are doing their part, no matter how large or small. It all matters. There's more to come. 

There were hundreds of protests last night scheduled for the time of the vote. I think the reject the cover up movement has just begun. Pelosi has hinted that hearings with Bolton are in the works. It's not over yet. 

There were two things worth reading or watching I found in the last two days: Brave Mitt Romney's speech, and today's Marie Yovanovitch's Op Ed. 

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Thanks for your description. I also noticed his energy was looking very different lately. It's a very dark constipated energy he's unable to dissipate. I've been feeling a health event in March, if not before. 

Mercury goes retro Feb. 16/17th-March 10th. It's going to be a stressful, heavy period for him.


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@frank- This is exactly the image I have seen. I see Major Pete winning ! Let's keep that thought and vision alive......


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Great minds think alike! lol

I hope it was him.  Letting us know we may lose a battle or two, but will win the war.

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I have been trying to take a step back from ingesting so much news but after reading some of the comments about T’s strange energy, I watched some of his rambling, semi coherent and angry comments about his current grievances with the sound off and connected for a short moment to see if I could sense anything. I don’t often do this because I find him revolting on all levels and it is difficult to maintain compassion for his soul when one hears the vileness that he spouts. The only thing that I felt was a heaviness over/on my head. It was like a heavy cloud or pillow. Maybe that was the brain fog. The other thing that I noticed when watching was that he was leaning heavily on the podium. I hope they had that sucker nailed down or he would have been surfing on it into the audience. 

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Sorry about the last post, guys. I feel like it was overly unkind. I must not have completely disconnected from the subject before writing it. I will try to do better in the future and will now do a light cleansing exercise to chase the negativity out. 

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@baba I thought it was great.  


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It may be helpful to distinguish between being kind and being nice. You may not have been saying nice things, but speaking truths, even hard ones, is a kindness. 

I cannot stomach watching him either. He is little more than a mouthpiece that stirs evil thoughts and deeds in others by playing to their fears and desire for power, as though his true self has withered or decayed. The heaviness over his head that you felt makes me think of Alzheimer's and the plaques that develop in the brain--his behavior is consistent in many ways with dementia. 



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Posted by: @baba

Sorry about the last post, guys. I feel like it was overly unkind. I must not have completely disconnected from the subject before writing it. I will try to do better in the future and will now do a light cleansing exercise to chase the negativity out. 

I have to say -- I try to avoid listening to orange toad's narcissistic lie-speak myself, but last night they were playing a whole series of clips of him speaking at the prayer breakfast, and I was fascinated by what I sensed as a new level of negativity that he was exuding, like he was relentlessly bombarding his audience with negativity after negativity.  Maybe that's how he is typically and I just haven't heard him speak enough, but it seems to be a deeper negativity in response to the impeachment. When acquittal on an impeachment would presumably be cause for less negativity and more celebration, the narcissist reveals his evil self even more. 

By they way, I have a hard time believing that he is declining due to Alzheimers or dementia. He seems to have his full faculties, knows what he is doing and saying, and is driving his malicious administration with intention and narcissistic skill. All his wicked words and actions are done with conscious awareness, and rather than explaining them away as some kind of mental illness, he needs to be held accountable for them.

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@yofisofi His mental faltering occurs when his ego is threatened. When he is giving his rallies, or right after a victory, he fills up with that insatiable need for adoration, feeding him like spinach to Popeye. When he feels people are against him, he starts falling apart, decompensating into fragments, confused, poor memory, nonsensical rants. 


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T's decline (partly in my opinion due to dementia) is a mixture of physiological things. I look back to when my father started to decline. It was way before I actually noticed the obvious symptoms of dementia, about 3-4 years before he died at the age of 90. He probably had beginning brain fog before that, but more prominent 3-4 years prior. He also had much more going on in his body like congestive heart, kidney, diabetes and manic 1. The heart and kidney, was not diagnosed until he started showing the more obvious symptoms. He suffered from swelling in his feet etc. 

T's diet is an abomination. It's a miracle he's even alive at his age with his diet. Had he eaten a healthy diet all these years, who knows, he could end up to be quite old. My father's diet had been on the decline for many years prior to his death because older folks try to make what's easy for them which is not always healthy.

I think he has multiple issues going on, and since he reminds me a little bit of my dad I'm also assuming he doesn't listen to any doctor who tells him what he doesn't want to hear. He does what he wants when he wants, which contributed to my own father's decline.  My father's ego contributed to his need to do things that also brought him much trouble in his life, yet he skated away from the usual consequences until much later in life. We used to say he had a legion of Angels picking him up and setting him free. Ultimately, bad choices do catch up with you, but for some reason some later than others.

Not wishing him death or harm, however, hopefully with T he must face consequences of his actions  sooner rather than later for all our sakes.

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@triciact I completely agree. It's also important to distinguish Alzheimers from Frontotemporal dementia - and I do believe the orange one has the latter as a few others on here have mentioned.....these are *just* the behavioral features associated with FTD (speech/language issues are also quite common):

  • Increasingly inappropriate social behavior
  • Loss of empathy and other interpersonal skills, such as having sensitivity to another's feelings
  • Lack of judgment
  • Loss of inhibition
  • Lack of interest (apathy), which can be mistaken for depression
  • Repetitive compulsive behavior, such as tapping, clapping or smacking lips
  • A decline in personal hygiene
  • Changes in eating habits, usually overeating or developing a preference for sweets and carbohydrates
  • Eating inedible objects
  • Compulsively wanting to put things in the mouth


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