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In Quantum Physics, there is a test called Double Slit Test and how it change when it is observed. If we pick a topic to predict at the same time, would it change how we see it? Would it be more clarify? 

Some of the predictions done here have been done through doing reading as a group, while others such as remote viewing and others has been done during our own time. I think this would be a good experiment if we could get a few people together and try this on one topic at the same time and see how it changes. Here is some links on double slit test.

Illustrious Member Registered
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Thank you for bringing this up Kim K.

I've always been fascinated by the things we cannot understand and have a deep desire to learn more about the more esoteric sides of reality and how our perception can be so very different from what might truly be 'real.' And Quantum Physics is a big and incredibly interesting part of that!

 My understanding of how the witness effects the outcome was part of the reason I was 'led' to this group. I am desperately wanted to be of service in effecting some kind of perceptual change of the outcome of so much negativity that was happening in the world.

So, it tied into my wondering if it fit along the lines of the whole 100 Monkey Theory and we needed to reach the critical mass number that might require enough people all focused on the same thing and we didn't have that, or if it can be as simple as the gifts of enough people or what. Still not sure, but I do know that I was drawn to this group, when I have to usually 'make' myself join things.

Lets see what happens here...whether people do it in small groups within this larger one or through Jeanne's ability to find/draw/bring us all in as she has done using the focusing of the cards, group energies etc. Whatever happens happens as we are all finding our way, But I think every comment anyone yours here with this suggestion or your one on the aboriginal there for a reason. We might not know it at first but someone feels something, will comment on that something and share someone else that will be then important for someone else!

I'm excited about all of the things that you and all of the others bring in for us to think about, perhaps research and learn a bit more as we all go along and see if it really can make a difference...I think it will. Let's stir up those molecules one way or another!!!

Thanks Kim K!


Grace and Grace reacted
Noble Member Registered
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Certainly a worthwhile experiment, Kim.

And I agree, Michele -- future outcomes are not set in stone. They are fluid. Matter itself sits atop frequencies that can shift, and matter is influenced by the observer. I do believe that with enough love and willpower, we can shift reality to higher vibrations. I feel that even in the last few months humanity has avoided many worst-case scenarios thanks to the love and caring we experience for our planet and each other.

Illustrious Member Registered
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Well said, Grace..that is it exactly!

Grace and Grace reacted