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What is the real reason Trump pulled out of Syria?

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Try meditating and see what you feel happened right before Trump told Turkish president Erdogan he would pull U.S. troops out of Syria. "Okay, we're done. It's all yours." 

The Internet is filled with speculation but what comes up when you close your eyes and meditate on it?  Any thoughts?  

Maria, you usually have some excellent intuitions about these things. 


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I quickly and clearly saw an image of Trump as he fantastically pictured himself in the moments before he made the call: chin high in the air, wearing a uniform ornately decorated with ribbons and medals, his chest puffed out cartoon-like, and posed so high above others around him it was almost as though he was levitating.  The entire scene had a slightly golden-hazy look, as though it was filmed with gauze over the lens.   I got the sense he felt like a military general out ranking all other generals...independently making such a rash command fit right in with his myopic belief that he and he alone knows what to do, even more than any other of our military leaders who are informed by their decades of experience and respected for their distinguished careers.  He felt awash in the glow of dictatorial power.  His shaky-fragile ego was bolstered by calling Erdogan.  He was posturing to impress his base as well as himself.  A response to feeling out of control/powerless to put a stop to the many investigations that are progressively exposing him as a con-fraud-criminal.

I look forward to reading what others see.

On a completely different note, wishing you all an especially wonderful holiday season!

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CDeanne, I can see what you see so clearly.  Thank you for this jewel of a post.  And yes, Happy Holiday on this holiest of nights! 

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I gave this exercise a try using two different methods. First I chose 5 tarot cards: one representing the president of the US, one representing the US itself below that, one representing the president of Turkey, one representing Turkey itself and one in the middle between the two sets to represent the relationship between the countries. 

I got the following using a Rider Waite deck:

Trump: The Empress reversed     Erdogan: The High Priestess reversed

                 Relationship between the countries: Three of Wands reversed

USA: Five of Pentacles                  Turkey: Ace of Cups

As far as Trump is concerned, I understood the Empress reversed to represent disharmony, stagnation, lack of caring/nurturing 

The Five of Pentacles for the US, I understood as difficult times ahead financially  and losing faith in institutions

The High Priestess reversed with regard to Erdogan, I interpreted as being out of touch or a lack of truthfulness/transparency

I didn’t know what to make of the Ace of Cups representing Turkey, but did find it interesting that both cards related to their ruler and country were related to emotions and subconscious things. 

The Three of Wands as the connection between the countries I understood to mean that there is much work to be done and that it may be frustrating and difficult. 

Also as a side note, it was interesting that both presidents were represented by female cards that deal with the mysterious and the subconscious. 

I would be happy to hear other’s interpretations of the above. It was interesting but not totally clear for me. 

I also did a brief meditation and got that Trump is afraid of falling, both literally and figuratively and with regard to Erdogan, I heard, “I’ll just take that!” and had an image of someone absconding with something in a sneaky manner. 

All the best to everyone during the festive season!

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Baba, very helpful reading.  Your interpretations show much skill.  Your reversed empress for Trump is perfectly interpreted  -- that he doesn't take care of his country, only himself, leaving us orphaned, leaderless.  Actually, if Trump just did nothing, it would be so much better. Instead, we have an ignorance, impulsive, ego-driven madman in charge.  

My thought about Erdogan's ace of cups might be that he sees his fortunes expanding by having so much influence over Trump. Cups are emotions (water energy) and the ace is something that is expanding and growing. Erdogan has, to his own shock, succeeded in influencing Trump even when Trump's own generals and strategists were  totally against his decision. 

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I did not meditate on this exact question however when Trump announced we were pulling out of Syria I got that his decision was  Russia related.  Russia will end up having greater influence in Syria and the region as a result. 

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Thank-you, Lovendures. Good to point this out. The Russians were celebrating when they heard the announcement. And the big winners from Trump's decision are all U.S. adversaries. There is pretty much universal agreement in the U.S. that Trump's decision weakens the U.S's power in the Middle East and boosts Russia.

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Re: my earlier post:  When I saw Trump wearing a uniform laden with ribbons and medals, it wasn't obvious that it was an American military uniform...maybe it was actually Russian?!

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CDeanne, thanks for the intriguing vision. That would be quite symbolic if it was Russian. Putin did praise him, and I sense he was happier with Putin's approval than the approval of anyone else on earth.  Then he rushed over to Iraq to visit the troops and show America he supports them, even if he doesn't support his generals, including  the head of the entire Department of Defense.  Such strange times we live in.

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There are several factors in play with Turkey and Erdogan. One is that exiled cleric living in the US as a permanent resident that Erdogan wants extradited back to Turkey.  Trump, and Flynn before him, have tried to make that happen. Was a promise made that he couldn't keep?

The other thing in the background is the killing of Jamal Khashoggi which has been a big deal in Turkey. Remember that Turkish intelligence has a recording of the actual murder that Trump does not want made public as he sticks up (or something "up") for the Saudis.  

Maybe Turkey/ Erdogan leaned on Trump using the two issues as leverage? Erdogan wants to launch a military campaign against the Kurds operating in Syria and the US forces were the only thing stopping them. As a result, Erdogan wants us out of Syria and Trump, being ignorant of what would happen if we abandoned our Kurdish allies (and not caring if he did know) was easily manipulated.  

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Paul you are spot on here.  This has been in play since this summer.  My reading of this situation is that Trump (Kushner) went to Turkey on behalf of the Saudis and Turkey agreed to let the Saudis use their embassy as a slaughter house for Khasoggi - the terms being US withdrawl from Syria and the return of the cleric Flynn was trying to get them.  The Saudis have Trump in their pockets because of the money they gave Kushner for the 666 property.  Turkey taped it for assurance, but that wasn't really necessary as Trump is completely beholden to the Saudis.  Remember the wedding the Trump children attended in the middle east this summer?  I had a feeling something was being put in place then.  I think this deal was made at that event.  

Trump had to pull the trigger on removing our troops now before the new Congress convenes.  

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I had a very strong feeling that this wasn't about pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan - this was about needing troops to deploy somewhere else, and Syria and Afghanistan were the most obvious places to take them from, from Trump's point of view, since they aren't achieving much success where they are.

Then I asked: Where are they going? And I saw three pictures in quick succession. I don't know for sure if they'll be deployed in these three ways, or they are simply options being considered in the White House.

The first one, the troops were simply coming home. I saw training sessions with the police, like they were going to work alongside each other.

The second one, they were on a road in a hot, desert place. Somewhere in the Middle East. High mountains in the distance.

The third one, they were practicing drills with the navy, like for some sort of D-day operation, not as big as D-day, but lots of troops transported by ships to a particular place on the coast. I notice a large number of Asian-Americans among the troops - like the operation is to be in Asia and Asian-Americans are preferred, maybe something to do with language skills.


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I haven't yet read any of the responses.  I sat down to focus in on this topic and within a couple of seconds - BAM - an image of Khashoggi came forth. It was really strong and created something of a visceral reaction in my head. 

Usually I need to "go deep" before getting any RV sensations, and this can take a while. Not so today.

It's difficult to interpret, but I presume that Erdogan has a "Trump File" just like Putin does. Erdogan using what he knows about Khashoggi's death - and Trump's knowledge of it - is probably what this image was about. Blackmail is something Trump can understand. 

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