Aliens, do they exi...
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Aliens, do they exist, etc.

Illustrious Member Registered
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List of questions/topics.

  1. Do Aliens exist.
  2. Are they visiting Us?
  3. Why are they visiting Us?(If they do?)
  4. Do they have purpose and objectives regarding us?
  5. Why are they secretive about their visits.
  6. What are they trying to achieve, by their visits?
  7. How long have they been visiting us?
  8. Will they eventually intervene in human affairs, and in what way, if they do?
  9. What do they look like?
  10. Do they cooperate with each other?
  11. What do earth governments know about them? (Why are they so secretive about this issue?)
  12. what are the long term intentions of the Aliens?
  13. Do earth Governments have a common policy on this matter?

Feel free to add questions. Go for it!

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I don't pretend to have any particular psychic ability but do have some thoughts about this topic.

  1. Do Aliens exist. 
    Of course. Look at life on earth. There is life in every conceivable type of environment including clams next to methane vents on the ocean floor.
  2. Are they visiting Us?
    They have for millennia.
  3. Why are they visiting Us?(If they do?)
    Scientific observation. Kind of like Jane Goodall and her primates.
  4. Do they have purpose and objectives regarding us?
    They get to watch a world's cultural evolution in real time.
  5. Why are they secretive about their visits.
    They don't want to, A - freak us out, and, B - influence the outcome.
  6. What are they trying to achieve, by their visits?
    Knowledge of how societies evolve for knowledge's sake.
  7. How long have they been visiting us?
  8. Will they eventually intervene in human affairs, and in what way, if they do?
    Like you, I think they are torn. They don't want to interfere but they don't want to see us fail either. They face an ethical and moral dilemma.
  9. What do they look like?
    Some look a lot like us. Others, not so much (have evolved beyond the need for physical strength, for instance). I read an article several decades ago by an evolutionary biologist who felt that if intelligent life were to evolve someplace else they would have to share our basic characteristics - bipedal, two arms, opposable thumb, eyes that focus forward, etc.
  10. Do they cooperate with each other?
    I'm sure they do. I like to think that they have moved beyond conflict - or most of them have - and that they see the benefits of cooperation
  11. What do earth governments know about them? (Why are they so secretive about this issue?)
    I'm sure they know that they are for real. They don't acknowledge their existence because they fear loss of control and covet the possibility of reverse engineering alien technology.
  12. what are the long term intentions of the Aliens?
    Integrate our society with the rest of the universe  - or our corner of the universe. Help us (hopefully) from extincting ourselves. Kind of like what history books said about FDR and the Great Depression - "FDR saved capitalism despite the best efforts of the capitalists."
  13. Do earth Governments have a common policy on this matter?
    No. No one will admit they possess any crashed craft etc. 

Bee and Bee reacted
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another question: 14. Somebody on here (Laura?) asked the question about Starseeds. Alien souls reincarnating in human bodies or sth.. Intriguing question (although, once you believe in reincarnation, where do you draw the line of who is an alien?)

Gigi and Gigi reacted
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Tee, I get snaggled exactly there, too.  Just the word, "alien," juxtaposes "us" against another "them."  If we are energetic beings, light beings, governed by some kind of higher morality, maybe we all already know one another in some other way ... on some other plane.  Do we share reincarnation with what we as humans deem "alien"?  Is what we learn from our primitive human form limited by our temporal bodies, primitive brains, and whatever portion of light we bring in with us valuable in what ways that are different from what we might learn from existences in other forms and in other forms looking in on humans, too?  Maybe we scan and tune in on waves we learned in other forms?  Exactly what is on the other side and exactly when are we there and if and when we are there, do we connect with "aliens" as light or some other form of energy?  It does make sense that RNA came from somewhere else to kick start life on planet earth, but what do we share besides coding ... maybe some other kind of knowing? 

Tee, Jeanne Mayell, Gigi and 3 people reacted
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I was the weirdo asking about the Starseeds, my post mysteriously was deleted perhaps due to some website reset. I can't seem to find my post anywhere. I personally wouldn't want to draw the line of who is alien, or who was alien, and who is not. To me it doesn't matter because I don't think we are all that different from them, on a soul level. Physically and mentally they are obviously going to be different, but not different enough to relate to. I just thought that aliens reincarnating as humans aka "Starseeds", to help us evolve spiritually, would be more ingenious way of walking among us, and less eerie/intimidating than beaming down here looking like E.T.

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Gigi, there has been no website reset since Feb 5th when there was a reset that lost about ten posts.  I sent emails to everyone whose posts were lost that day with screen shots of the lost posts so they could repost. So are you saying that a recent post of yours disappeared?  Because I just got an email from Gracesinger that she also lost a post.  Please let me know so I can try to figure it out.  I remember a discussion about starseeds. 

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Zoron, that problem is likely about your operating system, not this website. It happens to me on my apple which is such a fancy operating system at this point that you can accidentally hit a certain key(s) and, boom, you are on a different website and your post is gone.  But it's not really gone.  You can navigate back to it if you look at the top of the screen and you will find your post is still there, half finished. I don't know if that's what's going on with you, but your system of  composing a lengthy post offline is a good idea. I will open up a topic at the top for people's posting problems.  That way we can try to see which ones are caused by our system and which ones are caused by other issues. 

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This is an awesome RV topic Dr. Zoron. I responded to the questions on a sticky note yesterday and decided to participate after seeing that several of them are pretty similar to Paul’s. Not sure how much psychic ability I have either, but oftentimes a sudden, single word will pop into my mind. The word capitalized is that word in the answers…


  1. Do Aliens exist?... YES
  2. Are they visiting Us?... YES
  3. Why are they visiting Us?(If they do?)…To OBSERVE
  4. Do they have purpose and objectives regarding us?... CURIOSITY
  5. Why are they secretive about their visits?... To observe humans without scientific BIAS. Creating fear or panic, etc. could cause people to behave differently.
  6. What are they trying to achieve, by their visits?... Potential for MUTUAL benefit
  7. How long have they been visiting us?... ALWAYS
  8. Will they eventually intervene in human affairs, and in what way, if they do?.. ? (Not sure and neither are they)
  9. What do they look like?... BIOLOGICAL but with CYBORG-like modifications
  10. Do they cooperate with each other?... MOST do
  11. What do earth governments know about them? (Why are they so secretive about this issue?)… AWARE
  12. what are the long term intentions of the Aliens?... INCORPORATION
  13. Do earth Governments have a common policy on this matter?... NO


It’ll be so interesting to see everyone’s responses to this topic!

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Do Aliens exist?


Are they visiting Us?


Why are they visiting Us?(If they do?)

Observe mostly, but helping indirectly.

Do they have purpose and objectives regarding us?

Depending on which alien race, mostly watching and learning what we do next.

Why are they secretive about their visits?

Can't directly interfere with our choices/ free will. 

What are they trying to achieve, by their visits?


How long have they been visiting us?

A long time, they really never left. They were here from the beginning. If we truly look at it, we are all aliens from different places in the universe that came here.

Will they eventually intervene in human affairs, and in what way, if they do?

They will intervene only if it will affect them and the rest of the galaxy.

What do they look like?

Each alien species is different.

Do they cooperate with each other?

Most times.

What do earth governments know about them? (Why are they so secretive about this issue?)

I think some government knows more then others in the world, and it also depends what level of government. The bottom doesn't always know what the top government knows.

What are the long term intentions of the Aliens?

When we are ready is to help us.

Do earth Governments have a common policy on this matter?

I don't really think the government has common policy on this matter, but I think each government around the world stayed quiet because of the few groups of people telling them to do so. More and more areas of government that have work in this area about aliens are starting to speak out though.

Luminous and Luminous reacted
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So I purposely have not read what people posted above, I will after I post my own observations. I feel like I could be getting more info, but this is what I can feel out so far:

1. Do aliens exist? Yes they do, they always have existed, they have always been around.

2. Are they visiting us? It's complicated, yes some of them are, not whole civilizations, but groups of individuals. More than one type is visiting us, it feels like some kind of visit - meaning not necessarily always physical. It feels like they travel through worm holes.

3. Why are they visiting us? I keep getting the words 'to correct us' or to 'to quicken us'. Some of them visit to guide us, and others to get to know us.

4. Do they have purpose and objectives regarding us? It doesn't feel like all them are that concrete in their plans, some are though. Those that do have specific objectives do not necessarily have good ones, it's a real mixed bag.

5. Why are they secretive about their visits? It's not clear cut, if we are generally aware of their presence then it would interfere with our own history and progression, so they don't want that. Others don't want us to know because it would not be good or safe for them if we knew, there are plans which they don't want us to know about and they are concerned about their own safety with us.

6. What are they trying to achieve by their visits? Several things, different groups have different plans. Some want to genetically interfere with us, for not clear reasons. Other's keep wanting to correct us and guide or push to a better path forward. They don't want to directly teach us however, they want to force us to learn on our own in a more humane way. They also want to make sure that we don't cause a nuclear catastrophe as that would affect them negatively. 

7. How long have they been visiting us? It depends on who. Some have been here for a few millennia, there were others here prior to them. It feels like the grays have been around for a few centuries only - or they have known about us for a long time but have only been here for a limited time.

8. Will they eventually intervene in human affairs and in what way if they do? They will, but not yet. They will intervene when we are ready, or when we are about to cause a nuclear catastrophe. If the latter, then their interference will not be generally known, it will be clandestine. If the former then they will help us with the effects of climate change, I keep thinking agriculture.

9. What do they look like? This is a tough one, can't be sure really. Some are tall, look like us except a bit different (more of a different vibe) and would not stand out in a crowd. Others are gray, short with big eyes, they don't seem to be fully conscious, those ones, more like bees. There are quite a few other types I pick but can't get a read on.

10. Do they cooperate with each other? Kinda, not really. Only if it suits both parties, so not particularly.

11. What do the Earth governments know about them? Not as much as they want to know. They are aware of their presence (most governments, not all of them) and know some things regarding their technology. They are trying to learn more. Part of the secrecy of the government is because they don't want to admit that their knowledge is limited and that they cannot stop these beings from their activities. Human governments definitely study this subject, but cannot really know as much as they want to. 

12. What are the long term intentions of the aliens? Some of them are going to live here, I don't know why. Others want to save us from ourselves, and others are just observing.

13. Do Earth governments have a common policy on this matter? When does that ever happen? So no, they don't. There are many different approaches taken to this subject by many different governments, none however are interested in disclosure.

I honestly don't know if all of the above is nonsense or not, but it is what I got.

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Aliens revealing themselves, huh?

I mean, most people cannot even acknowledge the truth and struggle of say, trans/black/brown/native/ people. The toxic ideas of supremacy and the narrow ideas of traditionalist would be blown out of the water and many people, including the scientific materialists, will have a hard time coming to terms with it… (which would be fun to watch to a certain point)… then the blame game would begin: how could you just sit there in your mothership and watch us suffering…

Disclosure would have to happen at a time in point in which the mental breakdown of old-fashioned segments of society can be contained and there is a big enough population that can hold the space for disclosure to happen. Like being able to carry the potential of information transfer and the irrevocable need to bring our moral and emotional life to the next level. An evolutionary explosion of new ideas and potentials!! This needs a deep philosophical understanding of and commitment to life, morals and free will. And this requires almost a spiritual practice of quieting the mind (our culture that hasn’t kept pace with technological development and thus is great in creating confused and undisciplined minds) and stepping into … a space that hasn’t been occupied before by many people (lacking words here, can’t quite grasp it)

If aliens reveal themselves this would undoubtedly lead to a post-Capitalist area but we are already on such a bizarre and dangerous path. We become more and more aware of our cultural programming and how this “operating system” fails to answer to the most pressing question. The schism that runs through our culture becomes painfully clear, but it is also this very painful rift where growth occurs, where individuals come together as a collective and usher change. Look at the new generation that now states: ENOUGH!

Now that is an answer for aliens who are morally quite evolved… and they must be quite pained to watch this mayhem here because they actually can emphasize with each and every one of us. They know antidotes to this unnecessary pain but interference is fruitless because the real question is whose earthly soul has the stamina and dedication for a new operating system?

Maybe partial disclosure first, aliens as open secret…

That was probably more of a conclusion from all the stuff on aliens I have read rather than a RV. Let’s call it intuitive logical conclusion ;-)

What I want to know is, however, if I have ever met an alien, unrecognized, or in some dream state??? Are those aliens mapping our cultural and moral evolution? There is something is so so close but I can’t grasp it…. Maybe my wishful thinking…

BlueBelle, Kim K., Paul W and 3 people reacted
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Tee, your analysis of Human/Alien relations was excellent. I think you got it very right. The situation in Human/Alien relations is actually one of deadlock. It is a cultural, ethical deadlock. once they committ, they are stuck with us. They then have responsibilities, if anything goes wrong. The longer they wait, the better the chances of something workable emerging is. But the relentless Global crisis is accelerating. Their social sciences are considerably more advanced than ours, and they generally try to keep things ethical. (not all do!). There is a time approaching when  the balance of risks, between doing nothing, and moral blame and conscious responsibility, and the bad outcome, and the risks of  purposful contact, balance out. Then, decisions will be made. 

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RV Update, Aliens:

Did some scanning. Was thinking: what is it about us that they value: Answer, our cultural uniqueness. Realised that they value also, our art, and music, etc. In fact, so much so, that they are acquiring cultural artifacts. (more or less legitimately, actually. This bit was fascinating. it turns out that the "Nordic" species of Alien, who can pass perfectly as Earthlings, are located here. There is at least one small group. Its located in NYC. They sort of deal in art!. ). that was one of those "Unexpected" RV hits. Surreal!.   Anybody got any info on the Nordics ?. RV Scanning might be worthwhile.   

Laynara, BlueBelle, Paul W and 3 people reacted
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Hi Zoron,

Aliens - after listening to the most grounded person I have ever met relating a nasty experience  of driving home in the dark, country area one night, seeing a massive bright light above her car, following her............ freaking her out.

She being terrified, rushed into her house, got under the bedclothes in a panic. The intense light had followed her into the house - cant remember how long it stayed. She was  praying for help thinking she was going to die.

She was very ill for long time after that.....................was it a kind of radiation sickness I wondered..........what could have been their objective in that case. 

Not being interested in UFOs or aliens,  although others are fascinated, could only guess what made her ill.

She was just the average housewife with husband and kids, no interest in spacecrafts or aliens, did not drink alcohol, hard working mum.

Aliens - I just dont want to know after hearing her story......................she is one of the kindest most loving people I have come across......loves to help people, look after everyone. Once did lots of massage, now in her nineties is a bit past it.


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This exercise was very surprising.  Here's what I received.

In the 18th and 19th century (and probably earlier) the aliens were very much on this planet.  I was shown entire European villages, monasteries/abbeys, castles that were entirely populated by aliens.  They practiced being human and even though they enjoyed the challenge it was sometimes daunting and nerve-wracking when they weren't quite sure how to behave in certain situations when either visitors arrived or when one or more aliens were sent to visit a nearby village to practice being human by engaging (this was very scary for some of them).   They were generally awkward and somewhat secretive but did rather well in spite of being "strangers in a strange land".  Some actually got a kick out of it.

As time went by, with the development of reading/books, education, technology such as radio, aircraft, telescopes humans became less easy to fool because behavior became more civilized/normalized - shared because we received information via radio, tv, newspapers so much quicker.  It became more difficult for the aliens to interact because they felt like they stood out too much by their different behavior and couldn't practice/study being human without people finding them odd.  Then people started talking about aliens, space men on radio shows, in books then eventually movies and they felt much more vulnerable.  So, gradually the numbers dwindled.

Over the years as they watched humans become more violent, more devious, more brutal, more destructive in our behavior towards each other, as we development more weapons, ugly chemical weapons, weapons that burned children and wiped out entire cities with one blast that poisoned everyone for years the aliens became more reluctant to come down to earth.  What they witness now to them is a planet of mass destruction and they are baffled as to how anyone survives at all.  We disgust them yet they are sympathetic toward us.  They wish they could help but the level of madness is too great.  They just don't understand it yet.  They only observe us, study us to try to figure out if they should help us in some way.  The aliens who are assigned to actually watch us are like scientists in that they can observe without being emotionally harmed.  Others are deeply affected by our behavior - the more gentle souls.

They don't come down to earth now because to them it's like choosing to walk down a dark alley in a bad neighborhood - they don't understand us well enough to know how to move through us safely.  They don't know where the safe places are.  It all looks dangerous, randomly dangerous.

They do watch us from cloaked spacecraft.  They explained cloaking by showing me an example of the new type of teleprompter that from the audience's POV looks like clear glass but from the speakers POV has words written on it.  It was fascinating.

I don't know if I was receiving information about only one group of aliens or whether they come together from different groups and share information, technology etc.

Their purpose right now is to observe even though there are some that want to engage.  But, to them, timing the official unveiling to humans is like a novice jump roper trying to decide when to jump in during a double-jump rope game being quickly twirled by two experienced jump ropers.  Sometimes it's magic and sometimes you get hurt.  Funny example but that's what I was shown.  They love our sense of humor and sense of play and they just don't understand how we can be so fun and playful and yet so evil and cruel.  There is something about individuality that they haven't figured out yet.  For example, they don't understand that some people are good all of the time because they know that same person has the capability of being evil.  They don't quite grasp the free will concept - that just because our society is cruel doesn't mean that every person is cruel.  I'm not sure if I'm explaining this clearly enough.  They think that all humans are capable of being cruel so therefore all humans are cruel - they don't understand that we each make a choice to be cruel or not.  It's interesting.  

That's all I have for now.  I'm interested in reading everyone else's input.  I purposely didn't ready anything until I wrote mine.

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Well, mine was one that dropped, so instead of reworking it again, I'm going to just post this.

Funny, the word, aliens, better exo/extra terrestrials, astrobiophids (my word),  because it feels more like humans and other earth species are related to each other and others in some intergalactic sphere. My father a Presbyterian minister is fascinated with dark matter. And others have written about the Luminous Web (Barbara Brown Taylor) or quantum physics (Intercarnations, Entangled Worlds, Catherine Keller and Mary-jane Rubenstein). Stuff like that.

We are coming into an era of intergalactic membership. Same Galileo paradigm crisis as earth around the sun. And our earth is certainly in crisis.

The earth is already in a circuit and has been for millennia. The idea of visiting assumes that we are separated but all sorts of material passes through our solar system and orbit.

They are visiting because we are one of the seeded communities, don't you think, and those with whom we share some lineage must have some responsibility. Even Jesus says in John, I have others.

Ursula le Guin in The Birthday of the World has various wonderful stories about different approaches to other worlds. I like her work because it is so anthropological, a true daughter of her famous father.

They are both more visible in the air and more secretive than earlier when societies had a better cosmological place for inexplicable others. Right now, we are still flatworldists – difficulty of accepting multiple ontologies and other intelligences. Used to be that angels were a native species more intelligent than us (as Aquinas argues). But I don’t think there was a golden age before this one; it isn’t a story of progress. Or decline.  Modernity the disenchantment of the world? We forget, we learn to make machines to do what we once could conjure. Science studies, theories of decoloniality challenge the dominant worldview (Actor Network Theory, Abyssal thinking, multiperspectivism). It’s an amazing theoretical convergence.

Already intervening, but I wish they would already pass along a free energy source.

About looks, I haven’t met any. Not sure if I’m talked to aliens unawares.

Perhaps Russians know the most because they have been more receptive, esp during remote viewing and surveillance studies of Cold War.

UN has a policy and an outer space Ambassador and so does the Vatican. I have Protestant and Catholic colleagues who write exotheology.   NASA and Library of Congress has brought theologians, historians, and scientists together.

Good to read everyone about this.


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Strap line: 

Aliens are here, interested, and interesting.

I tried to throw out my preconceived speculative notions of aliens for this reading, and that was much more difficult than I thought it would be.  We have a vast and rich myth tapestry about aliens, and it's very hard for me to dispel those myths.  

I don't think I have had a personal encounter with an alien as many have.  No actual sightings or visits for me.  

They are certainly here, and have been here many times.  Think ancient aliens here. Much of our technology has been reverse engineered from their space crafts.  Our governments know they are here, and keep us from knowing simply because our governments don't want to lose control-their own petty control of money and power.  

The thing that brings them here now in a much more visible and frequent presence is the experiments being conducted around creating black holes and the particle collider at CERN.  These technologies could have impacts on the aliens, and they are here to guide us through these developments.

I don't know what they look like - the closest way I have to describe them is dolphin like.  I have no sense of them as good or bad - friendly or antagonistic.  Observers is the only type of motivation I sense.  That, and they want to prevent possible universal damage from our current scientific tinkering. 

Off to read others' replies.

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Gracesinger: Reading your post reminded me of the work being done by Alba Weinmann, she regresses people:

Many of her sessions have people seeing themselves as other beings and on other planets (plus past Earth lives).

I don't know if you're into this kind of thing or believe these sessions are 'real', but more & more of them have been popping up the last couple of years. Just an FYI.

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Kim K, your answer to:

"What do earth governments know about them? (Why are they so secretive about this issue?)

I think some government knows more then others in the world, and it also depends what level of government. The bottom doesn't always know what the top government knows."

Reminded me of a very public speaker saying 'there are 38 levels above the President' so there are things the President is not high enough in the bureaucracy to know, like aliens and advanced technologies that are aslo hidden from the rest of us 'normal' humans.

  ~RV wannabe

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Retired Technie, Wow!  What a fascinating collection of regressions; I wasn't aware of this collection or Alba Weinman.  I have read about regressions, like these, for many years, and the concept and actual videos are believable to me.  Thanks for sharing!

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