Trump May Be Thinki...
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Trump May Be Thinking of Replacing Spicer

Illustrious Member Registered
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Fox News Host claims Trump in talks with her as a replacement for Press Secretary Sean Spicer

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Illustrious Member Registered
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It's beginning to look more and more like Trumps fear as well as declining emotional and mental stability is catapaulting him into more and more sudden decisions regarding seeing those once seen as on his 'team' to now working against him and his image by lack of loyalty or well, ability to distort the truth enough to be believable by more than his biggest fans.

So, what do you think, will Spicer resign to avoid greater embarrassment, go into hiding while still maintaining the semblance of a job, be replaced more and more by Sarah Huckabee, and potentially by the moderator from Fox news... or will Trump do what he's been threatening and trying to do all along..everything himself since he may be the only person he thinks he can trust. After all paranoia does that to a person whether its mental illness of narcissism or the physical illness of cognitive mental decline or Alzheimer's, dementia etc.

Odds, insights? At this point do we hope for him to make more mistakes to speed up the process and time?

Illustrious Member Registered
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Thank for all of that Lora! We love to skip and hop from subjects and topics here. Keeps us lively and fresh and educated. I appreciate you so much!
