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The Color Purple: Growing Non-Partisanship

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During a number of "Read the Future Nights" several of us mentioned seeing the color purple. Jeanne would ask us if we saw red or blue in November for example. Our answer after a bit of thought was purple.

Initially, I took that to mean a blend of red or blue as in too close to call, or perhaps even people who were undecided.

But now, I've come to understand that it means more and more voters will turn away from looking at choices as either red/Republican or blue/Democrats and either switch their voter registration to independent or as someone who votes their conscience as a non-partisan and not their old party identification along a specific party line.

Now, I am seeing that concept of change beginning in earnest. Here is a pop-up from my news feed today:

And another example from today. I watched the talk show "The View" today,  as John McClain's daughter,  Megan McClain returned to her moderators seat after a month away for bereavement. She talked about not giving up, being a force for change and resisting going along with things we don't like in politics. Then she mentioned that two of her dad's closest friends helped her get through her dad's illness and death...Joe Biden, a Democrat and Joe Lieberman, a Republican (Lieberman, by the way was the person he said in his memoir that he'd wished he'd asked to run with his as his V.P. And not Sarah Palin (understood to be who the party thought was best for his ticket).

I predict Megan will become more active and have a bigger voice in politics from now all and perhaps even be slightly more purple in some respects, herself as exemplified by her dad and his groundbreaking thumbs down vote on removing Obama Care.

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Although Joe Lieberman was chosen by McCain to be his running mate in the 2004 election, he was, at the time, a long-time conservative Democratic senator from Connecticut who now identifies as an independent. I think part of McCain's reason for choosing him as a running mate, aside from their friendship, was to show that he could "work across the aisle" and welcomed different points of views on issues. I didn't agree with McCain on a lot of issues, but he believed in honor and integrity and tried to live those values to the extent he was able as a politician. His choice of friends says much about him. You are the company you keep.

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Illustrious Member Registered
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Aha! It's already beginning!

When I created this topic it was because I felt the positively predictive belief that bipartisan connections would become evident in the media.

And not only has politico featured an article on two women on different sides of the aisle, talking about the state of things in the U.S. and finding they were in agreement. It's not only the featured news story--it's trending!

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During the State of the Union address in the White House today, Melanie Trump addressed worldwide aspects of drug abuse and the plight of drug addicted babies.

The President addressed the bug bi-partisan fear, violence against those in politics

As Bright Opal just wrote about, Trump is, indeed, filled with fear. For himself and members if his family. Their deeds are closing closer to being revealed and their security and positions of power potentially threatened by possibility of a blue wave.

So, he made a point of referring to today's speech being bipartisan issues. At least for now, he is calling for unity and nonviolence.

Other calls for unity were made by Sec of State Clinton at her own televised remarks on the package mailed to her and strongly reprimanded by Sarah Huckabee Sanders about  stopping the violence and calling for union.

Let's see the color purple rise in energies into the dark blue purple frequency range.

As most of us know,  suspicious packages were delivered to CNN , President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Others were thought to also gave been delivered and/or were addresses to a final destination of prominent Democratic political supporters and one to Congreswoman Maxine Walters.

Desperate times call for desperate measures so today we had some purple energy in a call for unity and the bipartisan issues that affect all of us and our nation.

For links to the bomb news and predictions please use the small font title of "Recent Posts" at the bottom ofvthis page beneath  forum statistics and click on both of Bright Opals recent posts.

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And did any one catch a glimpse of George Bush the elder's purple socks peeking out of his shoes in a photo score?  They featured a smiling President Clinton. Bipartisanship with a chuckle on the side.

Apparently, colorful, fun or silly socks are a Bush clan favorite gift exchange. That first pair appeared to be a nice color of course, blue.



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NBC and Fox News said on Monday morning that they would no longer air an immigration ad from President Donald Trump that has been widely derided as racially divisive.

"After further review, we recognize the insensitive nature of the ad and have decided to cease airing it across our properties as soon as possible,"

Non-partisan purple:  this is what I'm talking about!

When Fox News and NBC News both pull the same Trump immigration ad calling it rascist.






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Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor says Kavanaugh is now a part of the Supreme Court 'family'

She added, "When you're charged with working together for most of the remainder of your life, you have to create a relationship." 

"The nine of us are now a family and we're a family with each of us our own burdens and our own obligations to others, but this is our work family, and it's just as important as our personal family."

Read more here


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Michele, this story helps the spirit rise. Thank you for finding it. 

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It made me think, it's  just like all of us here. People come in with their own agendas--sometimes for psychic "answers" to alleviate their anxiety and fears, sometimes for hope, sometimes looking for others more like themselves, and sometimes to snoop and find ways to criticize intuitive or psychic abilities elsewhere on the Internet. 

But those that stay and work together find ways to express themselves, someone to be here and listen to their dreams, their hopes for the future, and even their fears, struggles and woes. 

We learn to reach out from our hearts with empathy and compassion beyond our natural or learned abilities, beyond our age or experience gaps, and we meet in Rumi's field here. And we learn from, and share with, and excuse one another's typos, and gaffs and goofs, and link forgetting, and wrong post in right topic meanderings, and we just come away with so much heart, and so much love, and so much forgiveness and mercy.

Thank goodness our Supreme Court and groups like all of us here (and in more and more places elsewhere) can find common ground and learn and grow in these leaps and bounds that I am seeing and feeling amongst every single person here!

And all of you visiting guests, we love you too!

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In the news:  44 Senators urge the importance of bi-partisan unity.

“It is a time, like other critical junctures in our history, when our nation must engage at every level with strategic precision and the hand of both the president and the Senate.

We are at an inflection point in which the foundational principles of our democracy and our national security interests are at stake, and the rule of law and the ability of our institutions to function freely and independently must be upheld.”

The senators, which were composed of 32 Democrats, 10 Republicans and two independents, also stressed the importance of casting aside party differences in confronting impending challenges. Saying that “we were allies and at other times opponents, but never enemies.”

They mentioned the presidency, but never the president.  But stressed that now, more than ever they needed to learn to work together once again.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Michele, I remember back in September when we meditated on the Senate after  the Midterms, I'd seen a horizontal bar graph with various colors in it.  The dominant color was red, which is why I felt the Senate would stay red. But I also saw a shock of purple and wondered about its meaning.

I agree it's good to try to join forces with them when there is a policy that benefits both sides.  But I am wary of them the way I'd be wary of putting my head in a tiger's mouth. 


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I just read the article and saw that it was 44 EX-senators who urged bipartisan unity.  Not current senators holding office. 

Their point changes the meaning for me of purple, which is to view each side as opponents, not enemies. 

They are raising the alarm on the danger of Trump's attitude that anyone who criticizes him or works against his policies is an enemy -- who needs to be locked up.  This contrasts with the Bush, Sr. attitude that they'd be simply an opponent - someone who disagrees with you but who is entitled to oppose you, as in a competition where we advocate good sportsmanship.  

Changing that attitude alone could pull our republic back from the brink.  Eventually Donald Trump and his fascistic attitude will become an anachronism. 

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After more than a century's battle over the environmental protection of Oregon's wild areas, President Trump signed a bipartisan bill today and a divide was crossed today by the creation of The Oregon Wildlands Act.

He brought closure to a decades long effort to protect 30,000 acres of old growth  rainforest that has been crying out for awareness and validation in Oregon's coastal mountains and designates more than 250 miles of Oregon Rivers under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act protecting wildlands and riverways.

As part of a 120 public lands bill, it brings tears to eyes and my longing heart to see bipartisan purple on behalf of Mother Earth no matter how belatedly it might be viewed or why it was voted into law. 

It has the possibility to create and impacts parks, monuments, and forests across our entire nation. And best of all it sailed through both tbe House and Senate and was signed into law by Trump yesterday. 

A rare, rare moment of hope and joy some of it impacting my and my Oregon family future here in Oregon by creating a scaled down version of Senator Ron Wyden's Oregon Wildlands act that he has fought hard and long for and part of a fight begun in the 1880s for this coastal area of Oregon coastal treasures called the Devil's Staircase Wilderness. An interesting name you must admit but our coastal areas have many other unusual names such as the Devils Punchbowl etc. for unusual scenic, wild and often very beautiful but unpredictable spots. 

Trump may have wanted a connection to Teddy Roosevelt  by following in his Republican footsteps who stood up for and not against the environment.

Please click my link for more details and to understand why even Wyden's efforts battled previous Republican agendas to get to this historic point of hope 

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Illustrious Member Moderator
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Thank you for thank you for sharing this, Michele.  Oregon and her breathtakingly beautiful wilderness hold a special place in my heart.

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Ok, so it is not exactly "purple" but he is a LONG time state legislature switching parties.  He seems rather "purple" to me.

Illustrious Member Registered
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Bless you, Lovendures for keeping this purple thread going.

And yes, thats exactly how we mix red and blue and get purple. Or one of the many ways but a great good news purple way!

Bit by bit, the waves of color will synchronize and become one "new" blended color!
