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October 2, 2017 Predictions

Illustrious Member Admin
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Here are the visions people got last Monday night. What an amazing group of people. Thank you all for participating. Thank you -- others-- for reading and letting us know what you think.  Curious what you all think we are seeing. If you are one of the readers, I'd like to know what you felt about where we are headed as a civilization.  First is an overview, then the visions. -- Jeanne


The accelerating dizzying decline of our world continues a few more years. Every week a new scandal, a potential war, a terror attack worse than the one before, protests and hate reach new levels. At the same time the climate is in a surge, which scientists describe as being in runaway mode.

All natural systems evolve this way. They follow an accelerating curve that surges upwards near the end -- surging heat, surging storms, surging drought, sea rise, and sea-saw events of extreme heat and cold, flood and drought. While climate change is surging, so are violence and hate. This situation is an unraveling of an old system that is literally going down the drain in a last hurrah.

It’s hard to tell from the readings exactly when the negativity peaks, (i.e., when the system hits the drain), but some time around the end of 2018 to the end of 2021 the stress in our Collective crescendos. After that, we seem to stop and take stock. The U.S. seems less powerful, its people quieter, and calmer. Around 2025, we seem to be in recovery and rebuilding mode. While not all of our readers’ visions coincided, most seem to notice a calming down occurring around 2023.

There are differing reports on what happens to Donald Trump. Some felt he’d have a crisis around late 2018 to late 2019, which shut him down. We saw images of war during this time as well as volcanoes, including one in the U.S. Probably the most unsettling image was a new reader trying this process for the first time who saw a flat map of the world with the upper left chipped off.  Another reader felt her view was blocked at the end of 2018 when she said she simply could not look at something that felt too painful.  I did not see anything so dire, but felt the anxiety of the collective from now (10/17) to 2023. Then a noticeable calm set in. Others noticed similar shifts.

Do take time to read through the positive visions. Seeing these seeds of light will cause them to germinate. We see a new positive beginning around 2025 to 2028 when our world goes into a recovery mode and begins to rebuild.

Also remember that the many visions we've seen in the past for this same future still hold.  You can read them over in the sections further below by date.

A word about timing: We have a good record on timing, but don’t assume predictions will occur in the month listed. Some events actually unfold over a number of months. Some times we inadvertently miscalculate or mislabel the month - a casualty of reading as a group where everyone is forced to write down visions for the same time periods, when they might actually be seeing a different time period.

Finally the future is not cast in concrete. These are visions of where the road we are on right now will take us in the future . If those visions are onerous enough, we may collectively take a different road.

October 2017


  • Something bad about to happen, feeling of doom, tightness in chest. (Andrew, Beatrice, Mary K., Meghan, Jeanne)
  • A racecar driver is going too fast. A female swimmer enters the scene. She’s going to slow him down. This is a reference to Trump thinking he can run the U.S. like driving a Formula One car, but it’s too powerful and complex for him. He is going too fast and heading for a crash. The woman represents forces, perhaps within him, to slow him down. It might take the form of a heart attack or stroke or a major mistake that stops his presidency. (Jeanne)
  • Congress is so f—cked! (Jeanne)
  • I see Trump in an underground garage, the ceiling low above his head. A black car, maybe a Lincoln Towncar, comes in from the back left. A man gets out of the car and hands him a bundle of manila folders and papers in a large envelope with clasp. Trump walks back into the elevator to take him back upstairs, wiping his brow, as if to say, “Phew! That was hard, but I got away with it, I think.” Incidentally, he wishes he were young again. (Svetlana)
  • Trump doesn’t understand. He is confused. He hadn’t expected it all to be so complicated. He is embarrassed. Whatever he does is wrong. (Clara)
  • Something falling around tall buildings. (Joy)
  • Symbol of rifles crossed as seen on military badges.
  • Nothing but night. Orange light at end of month. "Shakedown" by Bob Seeger. (Meghan)
  • Circle of people in deep red color looking at a man seated in a chair. They are saying to him, “Now you need to help us.” (Pickles)
  • Someone standing in the middle of a circle where they are cordoned off from a crowd that surrounds them, holding back a crowd. (Dee)
  • I see a downward arrow. Means the stock market is down. (Anais)
  • Another missile/rocket launch. (Lauren)
  • Bomb threat, test from North Korea. (Lisa P.)
  • Frog, Kermit.  (Yaeko)  (Note: frog is symbol of Alt-right and of Trump’s alt-right leaning.)
  • Trump’s hair blew off. (Lauren)  [Not sure what this means lol.]
  • Bipartisan outreach/some bipartisan bills passed.  Both sides more inclined to come together. (Bluebelle) Senators revive bi-partisan criminal justice bill.
  • A ship is breaking apart. People are bailing. (Jeanne)
  • In a location with snow capped mountains in the background there is a circus in chaos. A helicopter is falling, people are fighting.  (Jeanne)
  • I saw three cacti, symbols for drought.  Means drought in three places, where I formerly used to see just one cactus. (Jeanne)
  • The image of the burning Tower, from the Tarot.  This stands for major life changing crisis and old structures collapsing. (Jeanne) The Tower image that I saw in my m
    ind's eye stands for Armageddon (see below). It looks like a firestorm, like the horror of war.  It may have been about the  Las Vegas shooting.   The Horror of Las Vegas A gunman armed with high-powered weaponry sprayed bullets at a rate of about 560 rounds per minute.His finger on the trigger of the machinery of murder unleashed more than nine rounds every second toward a crowd of thousands.Over and over and over again.--NY Daily News.


  • Missile launch. (Gail)
  • Hearts heavy, so much pain in back, so much everyone is carrying and feeling. Emotionally spent. (Bar)
  • Uganda in a crisis. Sadness and disparity of social classes, rich people ok, poor people pushed to flee. (Helena)
  • Cuba in the news. (Andrew)


  • Lightening and storm clouds. (NJ) (Editor: possibly a sign of impending strike of some kind).
  • Very strong brownish red light. Seems like a warning sign. (Linda)
  • The earth shakes on October 12. (Bob)
  • I see one of the earth’s plates. Earthquake! (NJ)
  • I am getting an eruption like a volcano. (Cheryl)
  • Image of The Wave (Hokusai woodblock). (Melissa)
  • Drums, dark, an opening in the sky, somber feeling. (Gail)

November 2017


  • Thanksgiving is safe, but cold. We are so grateful. (Jeanne)
  • Politics angry and fighting with each other. (Joy)
  • I see a goat. (Ming) (Editor’s note: could refer to a scapegoat in the making, especially in the Muller investigation).
  • Corpulent billionaire, like image in the game Monopoly. Fat cats get richer. (NJ)
  • Something going on in Alaska that comes to nation’s attention. (Patti)
  • A feeling that players are becoming more secretive, people less trusting, tightening up. (Mary)
  • More presidential cabinet people leave. (Bob)
  • Shots fired in Dallas, a black officer shooting someone. (Andrew)
  • Death of a politician. (Karen) (Editor:
  • Trump health crisis at a cultural event. Felt gripping pain on the left side of his body into the ear and brain. I heard a popping sound and then heard static, like his mind has gone blank. (Kathleen)
  • Snow, baskets filled with snow, a snowy Thanksgiving; empty city. (Lauren)  (Note: this would be in New England.)
  • Heavy snowfall, bull running in circles in NYC, telescope looking for something or some people (aliens?) (Anais) (Note: New England)
  • Problem with fish in the sea. (Yaeko)


  • Putin and Chinese leader in communist uniforms. Planting flags on a map of Asia. (Svetlana)
  • Nostalgic image in black and white of people bundled up in 1950’s clothing to keep warm due to cold and wind. Seems that people want to go back to a simpler time. (Susan)


  • Mexico earthquakes. Earth quakes in South America, desert areas. Volcano erupting (like Vesuvius). (Clara)
  • Floods, waves, whales dried up on the coastal beaches. (Gail)
  • Rough grey sea, storms over water. (Doris)
  • Icy cold weather. (Julie)
  • The sea is rising. There will be more chaos and stress due to water. (Mary)
  • The need for berries for hungry bird populations. (Helena)
  • Worries about meteors. (Helena)
  • There’s more pain in the middle of the U.S. (Andrew)
  • And more flooding. (Andrew)

December 2017


  • People bundled up, sleeping on streets or in an airport. (Jeanne)
  • A weight is lifted off the chest. (Patti)
  • A feeling that something is coming to a close. (Mary K)
  • The end of an era. (Julie)
  • I see little children bundled up, which means they are okay. (Ming)
  • An image of lightening striking the Monopoly man. He is caught unaware. The Monopoly man represents a billionaire depicted in the board game Monopoly. He buys up all the real estate so he can have a monopoly. There is lightening everywhere, which stands for disruption and stress, possibly for financial markets or just for the wealthy. (Jeanne).
  • Not spending much money. (Joy) [Editor note: could be sign of economic decline.]
  • Trump squinting. He is at the top of White House or Capitol steps. He is wearing a finely woven suit that is much better than those he normally wears. The situation may involve the Muller investigation. The suit may represent a lawsuit. (Svetlana)
  • Holiday but not very rosy, little to celebrate. It is very cold, but people do have cover. (Ming)
  • Simple, modest happy family gatherings around Christmas. People wishing for “good old days” or simpler times. Long dark days. People looking within wondering where are we headed? Feeling of no turning back. (Susan)
  • Cold & lonely, but some happy reunions. Food scarce for the poor in New England. (Helena)
  • Rich people making lots of money and giving parties like in Gatsby. (Kathleen)
  • Acrobatics ballet in the news. (Terry) Ballet in the news. (Jeanne)
  • Someone hanging upside down, a man with long white hair, my heart is pounding. The upside down image is a symbol from the Tarot of the Hanged Man, which stands for being out of control.  It calls for surrender to that which one cannot control. This image fits an earlier image I had of a man in free fall, grasping onto anything he can to stop his fall, but he cannot stop it.  I had sensed this was someone in the Trump Administration who will take the first fall from the Muller investigation. (Jeanne)
  • Russia: electricity going off. (Anais)
  • Angels singing, spiritual celebrations around the world. Image of Moscow, tajmahal, so much love. (Jeanne)
  • Shooting stars and a famous baby in the news. (Anais)
  • Thirst, drought, water shortage issue. (Lisa P.)


  • Riots in the U.K. (Julie)Pyramid with a star on top. (Aija)
  • An incident in the news: South America. Melina Trump and a sailor in white uniform. (Melissa)
  • Angelic clouds surrounding the Korean peninsula. (Mary L.)
  • Feels like there could be something more definitive happening with North Korea. Possible talks or agreement? Or maybe the opposite! (Pamela)

Earth/Climate (December)

  • Africa drought worsening. (Doris)
  • (NJ)
  • Smoke and flame, as from volcanoes. Dark skies. (Mary L.)
  • A red desert with men riding black horses down a spiral mountain, somewhere in the Middle East where there is a food shortage. (Gail)
  • Drought in Africa, a sad Christmas, an avalanche in Europe. (Doris)
  • Europe, storms and airplanes. Wind, wind, wind. Water moving storms, not cold. Very wet. (Clara)
  • Very hot in Australia. Head bursting hot. (Clara)
  • Christmas is very cold in New England. No snow. (Jeanne)

2018 (whole year)

Positive visions – where we are headed.

  • Angels making more appearances than ever. (Meghan)
  • Love rising. A chain of love that goes around the world. (Jeanne)
  • More people seeking and finding their true path now. (Jeanne)
  • Celebration of John McCain's life. A reminder of the need for bipartisanship.  A major outpouring of love for and recognition of McCain. (Bluebelle)
  • Improvements in car efficiency. (Svetlana)
  • People moving to beautiful places. (Svetlana)
  • U.S. trying to steady its bearings as a country. (Susan)
  • Birth defects deferred through early diagnosis in pregnant females. (Gail)
  • I see the flags of many countries coming together as one. (Julie)
  • Between the cracks there is a richness of experience. (Andrew) Editor: “It’s from the cracks that the light gets in.”
  • More medical advances in 2017. (Andrew)
  • Presidents 41, 42, 43, and 44 working closely together now to bring positives to the people. (Corine)
  • Together we conquer. Divided we are conquered. So we are moving towards unify. (Ming)
  • More people realize it’s up to them to help their communities and their world. I see a rise in solidarity. (Jeanne)
  • Additional reserves of natural resources discovered. (Julie)
  • A rising devotion to the earth. (Mary L.)
  • People coming together in community, realizing that local deeds have an effect nationally and internationally; a “change begins with me” attitude. (Doris)
  • Humanity helping one another more. (Bar)
  • Growing united resistance to dark forces, and reconnection with self and others. (Andrew)
  • Rise in yoga practice to fight stress. (Corine)
  • Aliens discoveries happening. (Meghan)


  • Stocks low (Susan)
  • Congress cut off from the people (Susan)

January 2018


  • Spiritual awakening. Angels stationed throughout the world like an army. An energetic grid in place to raise the vibration of the planet. (Kathleen)


  • Muller is determined. (Jeanne)
  • Congress tangled, a mess. Kellyanne Conway in news, making appearances. (Meghan)
  • U.S. Congress meeting. White haired men. Grey suits and chaos. Trying to keep appearances. I see Pence taking the lead. The other men in Congress are not visible. This man tries to be friendly but he is weak and thin. (Clara)
  • Rebuilding going on. (Karen)
  • Resignations going on. (Julie)
  • GOP Congress enthusiastic. Paul Ryan visible and actively trying to pass legislation. Trump on the outside looking in—more isolated from Washington D.C. and Congress. (Susan)
  • Clocks ticking, ticking. Reminds me of the political exposé show Sixty Minutes. Someone is being exposed. (Jeanne)
  • Trump in a dark suit and a plain dark tie (somber or mourning) (Melissa)
  • I see an image of surgeons working hard to save people. I don’t know where this is. (Jeanne)
  •  It’s time for a show down. Two people coming forward to testify. They look like the twins from the horror movie, The Shining. They are women. (Jeanne)
  •  Flickering lights, tornado warning alarms going off.  It looks like a scene from Stranger Things.  (Lauren)
  •  Wild fires popping up all over the place. (Anais)
  •  Trumpets herald of good news for many. Feels biblical in nature, not political or geographic. (Lisa P.)
  •  Saudi Arabia negotiations. (Yaeko)
  • A large V shape. (Terry) (Editor: could be symbol for alt right movement)


  • Russian aggressions are in the news. (Julie)
  • White noise, a missile over water, like a torpedo but skimming just over the water, not so much in the air, a few meters over the water. (Doris)
  • January 18th: Gut wrenching feeling. Japan looking far right with eyes to the sky. (Bar)
  • Missile flying over water. (Doris)
  • Pushing bundles covered in tarps up a mountain.  They are very heavy and are not budging.  I heard phrase, “Rome was not built in a day.” I don’t know where this is. (Gail) [Editor: could these bundles be missiles?]


  • Lots of snow, quiet month. (Joy)
  • In Europe: wind, wind, wind. (Clara)
  • Siberian ice flows in the news. I see a polar bear walking in the snow, and white seal pups. First Nation people in Canada are effected. (Andrew)
  • Energy feels lighter. Snowflakes falling peacefully. (NJ)
  • Earthquake in mid-north California. I see the ground moving in wave shape under grids of houses. (Svetlana)
  • Galapagos in a cauldron of fire. (Mary L.) (Sounds like volcanic activity

February 2018


  •  A man who looks like Jared Kushner, standing, looks blindfolded or maybe it’s that he looks blindsided, no expression at all (although this is admittedly his usual look). They are asking questions. He’s silent. “I told you everything already,” he says.  His wife is watching from the sidelines. She looks like a deer in the headlights.  (Jeanne)
  • Wings of Horus. (Lauren)
  •  Someone in the government is peeking out behind the blinds, as if someone were looking for them and they were in hiding. (Anais)
  •  Garfield the cat in the news. (Anais)
  • Large boat crash in the Atlantic…military, not cruise ship.  (Lisa P.)
  • News about beef production. (Lisa P.)
  • Not a cold February. (Yaeko)  (This would be in New England)
  • Long road to recovery. (NJ)
  • Very stressful feeling about this time. (Jeanne)
  • Washington D.C. is dark, quiet and cold. Congress trying to assess and play cards correctly with public this time. It is all for political gain.
  • Mueller, Trump, angel, ICE. (Melissa)
  • Magoo walking with a cane. (NJ). Editor: sounds like reference to Donald Trump.)
  • Trump hits a snag, government inquiry. There is a huge public breakdown of trust due to an incident of the government incompetence and mishandling again. (Andrew)
  • A big crash financial crash beginning of February, followed by calm silence, more peace relaxation. People not caring as much anymore about money. (Helena)
  • Trump comeuppance, frenetically hiding, found out. (Mary L)
  • Something big is uncovered in the political sphere. (Julie)
  • U.S. general brought to his knees with despair. There is disgust in the military. (Kathleen)
  • People staying in their houses. (Joy)


  • Soldiers hanging off a cliff, holding onto each other. (Gail)
  • Kim Jong Un’s face. (Ming)


  • Chilled to the bone. (Julie)
  • Big Snow falling on Europe. Snow in Japan (?!!) Japanese images of snow falling leaving all covered. (Clara)
  • The Plains States are very dry. (Svetlana)
  • United Nations very active. (Karen) Problems with food shortages and health care. (Andrew)
  • No rain in the Midwest. (Bob)

March 2018


  •  A large ugly beast is eating everything - like a giant dark wild dog with fangs, from hell. Is this a movie? Reminds me of one of the beasts in Ghost Busters. Dystopian images of hell. (Jeanne)
  •  A carnival ride when the lights go out. The Bermuda Triangle in the news. (Anais)
  •  Feeing nervous. Something is keeping us on our tiptoes. (Yaeko)
  • Not as good for Muller as he had hoped. (Mary L.)
  • Activism, marching, people being more vocal in the U.S. People want equality, fairness, etc. and are taking it to the streets. Four-leaf clover; St. Patrick’s Day prominent. (Susan)
  • The idea of people going more rural and agrarian, more grounded, slower pace. (Helena)
  • Mickey Mouse in the news. (Joy)
  • In the Mid West it feels like fewer people. People are migrating. (Andrew)
  • Large winged bird. (Terry)


  • I see a white polar bear on frozen lake looking back at destruction. (Gail)
  • Volcano in Europe. (Doris)
  • Skyline burning forest fires. (Patti)
  • Spring comes early: blue skies & bright green grass. (Meghan)
  • Grey, rain. Crocuses open up in Holland. (Clara)

April 2018

  • More spirit guides are helping and the planetary vibration is shifting. The dark is losing. (Kathleen)


  • White haired man, not Pence, an investigator?  A man with a cowboy hat is prominent. He might be the new senator from Alabama or another from the cowboy crowd.  People pressing together, all with cowboy hats, they are in a situation with marshals and cops. Will wait for more information on this. (Jeanne)
  • The Indian from tootsie pop wrappers, shooting an arrow, full headdress. (Anais)
  • Trump quieter and out of sight. Someone stepping forward in leadership prominence, may be a general (Mattis?). Others passed or looked over in Congress. (Susan)
  • Trump on crutches, broken leg, in a motorcade. (Melissa)
  • The secret is out. Trump can't stop it. (Bob)
  • Politics are pulling to the left. (Patti)
  • This will not be a good month for the family of Trump. They panic, are overwhelmed and feel doomed. (Mary L.)


  • Heightened world issues around threat of war. Other countries on alarm. (Susan)
  • A plane explodes in mid air. There’s a battle in the ocean. China is taking a stand to help. There is betrayal here, makes me think of the traitor Shylock in the Merchant of Venice. Egypt may be involved. (Andrew)
  • Corruption of Middle East rulers is being exposed. (Svetlana)
  • The Pope having trouble. (Karen)
  • North Korea meeting going on. Kim smiling. (Ming)
  • Something happening in Peru. People are marching, chanting, and holding arms. (Doris)
  • I saw a huge Red Cross flag and heard the words, “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” (Gail)


  • April – May: Possible earthquake in U.S. west coast. (Jeanne)
  • Cactus in the middle of the U.S. and the West, which means serious drought. (Jeanne).
  • Alaska pipeline in the news. Problems with sea lions who are sensitive (and loving) animals. They are in pain. (Svetlana)
  • The ice cap of Greenland land is becoming bare. (Svetlana)
  • Lots of rain. (Joy)

May 2018


  •  Cowboys again, some kind of object like a missile. (Jeanne)
  •  Two doors open and a big rush of white light comes in. (Anais)
  •  The country (U.S.) is not enthusiastic. (Yaeko)
  • Airport snags. Travel ban again? (Julie)
  • Melia Obama speaks out. (Karen)
  • Something going on in housing market. (Joy)
  • Trump seems like a smaller man. Ivanka, Melania and family seem smaller size. (Svetlana)
  • Tension around war. US in difficult position. People on edge. (Susan)
  • It is time to turn around and see what was done. (Gail)
  • Young political leaders emerging with new ideas. A female is prominent again in the political arena. (Gail)
  • Finally some real talk about climate change and progress toward thinking about sustainability. There is some joy in collective. (Kathleen)
  • An issue with the housing market. (Joy)
  • Voltron on a parachute. (Terry)


  • Strong rainfall in the U.S. My ears hurt from the low pressure and there’s a lot of lightening. Environmental and/or climate problems in California and the Baja Peninsula. (Jeanne)
  • Hot -- feels like summer. (Meghan)

June 2018


  • Stability, people more stable. Families making solid plans. (Helena)
  • Actually looks like a pleasant month. I feel positive vibes around it. (Pamela)
  • A human hand making the peace sign pops up from under the water. This is a positive symbol of change. (Gail)


  •  All hell breaks loose, Congress has become so ugly. (Jeanne)
  •  Hot weather, balmy nights, stars, and brass artifact. (Lauren)
  •  Military vehicles among the pyramids. (Anais)
  •  British royal family in the news. Harry gets married or Kate gives birth. (Lisa P)
  • Tourism is way down. (Yaeko)
  • Panoramic view of Capitol, CSPAN – focus on Congress. (Meghan)
  • Trump caught in lies. (Joy)
  • An issue around a pin-up girl. (Jeanne)
  • Stock market volatility. (Julie)
  • People remain tense and on edge, especially on West Coast. Possibility of a threat to US on US soil. US citizens headed to a different time on how we view security and safety in the US. High alert. (Susan)
  • Trump making speech from a podium. Don, Jr. in handcuffs. Got a flash of Paul Manafort looking like a deer in the headlights. (Melissa) Has Manafort turned state’s evidence on Don. Jr.?
  • Big derriere sitting. (Terry) [Editor: could refer to Donald Trump]


  • Europe airport and luggage belt area. Big white truck(s) attack. I see the word Merck. (Svetlana)
  • Dry land. Seville streets empty. (Clara)
  • Europe, beautiful cities full of history and art, culture, affected by immigration and refugees. I think of Angela Merkel. (Svetlana)
  • A hand that comes out of nowhere to grab something from a population, something unexpected, something not welcomed. (Doris)
  • South Korean people (or possibly Japanese, not sure) people running in panic. (Ming)
  • The world takes a breath. I’m in Pasadena where it’s green and pleasant. (Andrew)


  • Storms and flooding in Sri Lanka. (Andrew)
  • Portugal, Spain heat wave.
  • Much too hot, and dry. (Bob)

July 2018

  •  People yelling at each other - Congress fighting, mad, faces getting beet red. (Jeanne)
  • Sad White House, lights off, nobody home. Spending the holiday away. (Lauren)
  •  Image of a scorpion.  Motor speedway event incident.  (Anais)
  •  Low Fourth of July turnout in various cities.  (Yaeko)
  • Explosions/riots in Washington D.C or Philadelphia. NYC police security is tight as a drum.
  • It’s going to be okay. It’s like going to the dentist. It hurts but ultimately we will be better for it. (Jeanne)
  • Missiles again. Thoughts of North Korea. Makes my stomach drop. (Jeanne)
  • Congress scurrying and actively trying to pass bills as they are in need of funding for U.S. security (Susan).
  • Wonder woman in the news. (Meghan)
  • Rain pouring down. Non-stop pouring rain in Europe. Germany, Holland, Britain. (Clara)
  • White truck(s), a beach , sand, and lots of people, like Nice attack. (Svetlana)
  • False prophets throwing ancient books away. (Gail)
  • Uncle Sam on stilts. (Melissa)
  • Cuba in the news.
  • In France, immigrants are being ejected. A French nationalist movement that is causing Jews to leave France. Tension in Tel Aviv. (Andrew)
  • Oil leek in the ocean. I see dead seagulls. (Andrew)
  • Much finger pointing. (Terry)

August 2018


  • Out of darkness comes courage to face new challenges, some planetary sky events. (Helena)
  • Light is returning. (NJ)


  •  Police, marshals, a man is on the ground, a display of right wing law and order that we've come to expect in this administration. (Jeanne)
  •  Disease in the redwoods of California. (Lisa P.)
  •  Trump in trouble. (Yaeko)
  • Trump posturing. (Ming)
  • I heard, “That’s All Folks!" from  Bugs Bunny. Trumps out of office!  Trump says, “The Good Life is Gone. I gave it my best shot!” (Gail)
  • Trump in background—he is remote and quiet. Naval ships moving and U.S. citizens feeling scared. Some from the Western U.S. are moving toward the middle of the country. (Susan)
  • GOP in tatters. Paul Ryan looks frantic. (Mary L.)
  • Big upset in government, not sure what, but people at the top are anxious. (Mary K.)
  • Hot cowboy on the Plains. (Terry)
  • Flat map of the world piece chipped off in the upper left. (Terry)
  • Volatility in the market with stocks down. Terrorism with people running in the streets in the US. (Susan)
  • Cape rentals in the news. (Melissa)
  • Basketball, cheer leader, a big boat leaving the shore, people are being released to freedom from prison and form them selves. (Helena
  • Brown grasses. Drought in the Midwest. Flooding in the south. (Julie)


  • Latin America discovers food that helps. (Clara)
  • Images of people in another country, perhaps Dominican Republic, pushing a boat, young men, orange hair - (the color of malnutrition). Painful feeling about this refugee situation. (Jeanne)


  • U.S. map with cross over it. A lot of fire across the western U.S. (Jeanne)
  • Weather in the news, due to the heat. (Meghan)
  • The water is still. There are no waves, but something underneath is not good. Stealth. (Doris)
  • Dry heat and South America shakes. Fireworks, like a missile threat (but it is a threat only). I see no wars. Everyone is too busy trying to cope with weather disorders and food shortages. (Clara)
  • Hurricanes again. Not again!   (Clara)
  • Anxiety, fear, devastation in another country. (Doris)
  • There is heat. I see an old woman crawling. (Andrew)
  • Greece in the news. (Julie)
  • Belgium incident. (Karen)
  • African refugees, from Somalia starving thin tired people, beautiful people with baskets on heads trying so hard, suffering, walking with children, in the heat and dust, like Biafra/famine, dry, hard to get supplies in, this is nothing new but it continues, warlords harming their own people there. (Svetlana)

September 2018


  • A hidden tube comprised of a strange structured type of fabric is coming out of Trump Tower. Might be an information back channel for hidden communications. (Svetlana)
  • NYC crowds screaming like crazy. People really hate Trump there. (Jeanne)
  • Divorce in the White House. (Andrew)
  • Mike Pence shaking someone's hand outside, there's a helicopter. (Meghan)
  • Hardheaded people’s opinions are changing. (Joy)
  • Flu epidemic.
  • Young people rioting in waves across the country. Looting and much chaos. They want to overthrow the government. (Gail)
  • Lincoln statute is dismissed. (NJ)
  • Genetic mutations in the news. (Pamela)


  • Sun is rising and people are catching their breath. Respite from intensity around security threat and war. Some help from allies while Europeans demonstrating compassion toward American citizens. (Susan)
  • Unrest in China. Large groups chanting in unison like a wave. (Kathleen)
  • Putin is just watching the whole mess unfold. (Jeanne)
  • Japan at risk. (Karen)
  • I feel like the world pulls together with less of a focus on the U.S., and more on Europe (Pamela)


  • Israel is hot, very hot. But they are prepared for it. (Jeanne)
  • Water problems in the west, especially California, bringing anger. (Jeanne)
  • Frogs in trouble. (Julie)
  • War in a Spanish speaking country, either Venezuela or Spain. Disruption, revolt, strong feelings, chaos . (Doris)
  • A very hot month in Southern California. (Andrew)
  • A very cold September in the U.K. (Mary K.)
  • Storms and hurricanes again in U.S.A and Central America. (Mary K.)
  • Big hurricane. Big water. Puerto Rico again and bigger. I get the number 6. Enough! Poor people can’t cope. Dogs drown. (Clara)
  • Wheat harvested. A bit of a rest in the Midwest before a difficult fall. (Helena)
  • People preparing for coming disasters. (Julie)
  • Generators selling like crazy. (Julie)

September-October 2018

  •  War and golden apple; string breaking off of a harp, mayhem, Looney Tunes gone wrong, pig head on a stick as in the novel Lord of the Flies. (Lauren)
  •  A beautiful wedding. (Anais)
  •  Trump has a mental breakdown. (Yaeko)

October through December 2018


  • October: Something happening here I don’t want to see. (Meghan)
  •  A rough year. But nothing like the next one. (Jeanne)
  •  People are disillusioned, shocked. (Yaeko)
  •  A great gathering of people, for good. (Lisa P.)
  • All governments speeding up. “It’s all too much. One pipe bursts in the house, and the next pipe is bursting. House is collapsing under water and we are nearly too late to stop the collapse.” (Clara)
  • There is underground work on the north side of Trump Tower. Might there be a vault there? Is that where the underground garage cave is that we saw earlier? (Svetlana)
  • Trump gone. (Karen)
  • Trump gone, not sure how or why, but Pence doesn't become president. (Mary K.)
  • Rich people making lots of money and holding parties like Gatsby. (Kathleen)
  • US citizens still somewhat in shock. U.S. is humbled on the world stage. (Susan)
  • November 2018: U.S. packages prepared and U.S. stamps. Sounds like C.A.R.E. packages. (Gail)
  • Medical advancement. FDA approval on a long needed drug. (Julie)
  • Paul Ryan ascending but not for too long. (Bob)
  • Computer hacking of very large or important databases. (Julie)
  • America ruled by conservatives. Save the court! (Bob)
  • Chemical fire. (Julie)
  • Fewer democrats elected than expected. There is corruption that we don’t know about yet. (Bob)
  • Impeachment talk in U.S. (Doris)


  • Global power shift with China and Russia being prominent. U.S. is weakened, but trying to steady itself. (Susan)
  • A new peace of sorts in Mexico. I see true celebration in the streets. (Andrew)
  • Protest in Russia. Resentment in the collective. People unable to have free speech without repercussions under Putin. (Helena)
  • North Korea seems to be more reasonable. (Ming)
  • North Korea still out of control. (Jeanne)
  • Horizon is red (a warning light). (Bar)


  • Snow. (Clara)
  • Strong feeling carried through end of year. STRONG emotion, a little scary. (Meghan)
  • A lot of fire and stress at this time. (Jeanne)
  • Wishing for rain in the western U.S. (Jeanne)
  • October: Bad weather maybe hurricane. (Joy)
  • December 2018
    • Refugees under rubble peeping out. (Gail)
    • Jeb Bushes eldest son in the news. (Melissa)



  • Greater energy of spirit, kindness, humanity. (Karen)
  • A positive shift is happening. I see orange and dark spots fighting each other. But silver and bright lights appear at the end. (Linda)
  • Advancements in Alzheimer’s treatment. (Julie)
  • Florida starting to demand climate action. (Jeanne)
  • Progressives getting more organized. (Andrew)
  • Mindfulness taught in public schools. (Bluebelle)
  • Technology coming to the aid of humanity more, despite some resistance from certain groups. (Doris)
  • More attention and solutions to the homeless. (Ming)
  • Greater unity of purpose across the board. (Andrew)
  • Therapists healing trauma. (Clara)
  • Changes in America under the new leadership Compromise, order, people more accepting (Mary K.)
  • Republic of the People. A new government formed. (Gail)
  • People are becoming more introspective. This is a good thing. (Bob)
  • In spite of all the turmoil, I’m feeing safe here. (Jeanne)


  • U.S. looks smaller, not geographically, but shrinking as a world power. (Jeanne)
  • President taken down due to mental illness. (Jeanne)
  • Economy -  bank notes failing. (Jeanne)
  •  I see a keyhole, which means something will happen that will provide a glimpse of what is coming. (Jeanne)
  •  A room full of investigators from the military. My heart is pounding. (Jeanne)
  •  Submarines. (Jeanne)
  •  It’s a mess. A wake-up call.  (Yaeko)
  • The wheel of life is turning. (Kirsten)
  • Paul Ryan at the forefront -- podium, white button down, no tie or jacket. (Meghan)
  • Change of powers. (Joy)
  • War, economic slowdown, but not a depression.  The war is limited and does not expand. (Bluebelle)
  • Trump speechless with no expression. (Ming)
  • American soldiers fixing the storms. Running through the drought. Evacuating. (Clara)
  • The civilization had gotten too loud. I’m see the world as a sphere and as I get closer the voices are shrill and loud, It’s a noisy world and it’s spinning and accelerating faster, and the people on this sphere are dizzy. (Andrew)
  • Restless in U.S. in November. People are angry. (Helena)


  • Putin not so focused on the U.S. He’s got his own troubles. (Jeanne)
  • Putin out. (Meghan)
  • Hope in June. I see white birds of peace in Israel, Jordan, and Palestine. (Helena)
  • Panic in March. People fleeing Sudan in Africa. (Helena)
  • Oil explosion in February in Middle East. (Helena)
  • Military aircrafts take off... a big sweep of airplanes. (Gail)
  • Erratic like pulling taffy. WTF. Shaking head back and forth really fast. Hold on to something sturdy. (Terry)


  • Trees in trouble (too hot). (Clara)
  • More space exploration. (Donna)
  • Alien spaceship seen and known. (NJ)
  • Mosquito-borne virus in the news. (Julie)
  • I see a sunset sky. It’s going to become more peaceful. (Patti)
  • Poor countries struggling, heartbroken parents with young children. (Ming)
  • Climate issues are improving. News is not as bad as before. (Mary L.)



  • It’s going to be okay. Not as bad as we’d thought it would be. (Jeanne)
  • Below the surface, the collective is calming down. Bar chart shows downward growth, more stability. Fossil fuel burning is declining worldwide. (Jeanne)
  • Spiritual awareness increasing. (Joy)
  • New civics attitude starting to bud, realizing that you need to vote in elections and speak up. (Doris)
  • In Holland: Cleaning up Dutch dikes. Weather: snow and water. (Clara)
  • Female political leader with brown hair emerging. May be Kamala Harris. Rise of the feminine, although female may not win. Feminine energy bolder in political arena. People in US are seeking a fresh start in their lives which includes moving to other cities. The sun is out symbolizing happier times beginning. (Susan)
  • More brotherly love. United/ sharing. More peace and mixing together. (Gail)
  • We will not repeat the past. We forge ahead. (Gail)
  • Peace becoming stronger. (Donna)
  • Relief about healthcare in the U.S. (Mary K )
  • Holy orders of nuns recognized for sacrifice. (Bluebelle)


  • An apple eaten to the core. (Jeanne)
  • Hardship across the U.S. People are learning to live with less. (Karen)
  •  Where's Donald Trump?  Answer: Silence. (Jeanne)
  •  The U.S., how’s it doing?  Sick.  (Jeanne)
  •  How are we doing in Massachusetts?  Hanging on. (Jeanne)
  •  Time to clean up the mess.  (Yaeko)
  •  A major earthquake, California?  (Anais)
  •  Riots in the U.S.A. (Lisa P.)
  •  Medical breakthrough for a type of cancer treatment. (Lisa P.)
  •  Positive: life is still here. Hope, learning, (Jeanne)
  • Many people finally seeing through the lies and government red tape. (Julie)
  • People resigned to reality, we have to live with it, it’s bad but that is the way it is. (Doris)
  • Exhausted, mad, fighting, cursing, tired. (Terry)


  •  The Panama Canal is in the news.  The seas are rising. Hearing the song, House of the Rising Sun. (Kirsten)
  • Europe threatened by Russia.  Putin does not succeed.  N.AT.O. stands firm.  U.S. is strong N.A.T.O. ally. (BluebelEarth/Climate
  • I see some men are planning a terrorist attack in the Netherlands. I felt it was Amsterdam but I also see the sname of the City of Bruges.   I see at least two maybe three, possibly more, dark-haired men. I see even a little bit what one of them is wearing – it’s a kind of an army type jacket like the kind that come from an Army Navy store, with the zipper all the way up the front and a little bit of an elasticated waistband indicator around the middle. It’s semi quilted. I am sorry to say that they do look Middle Eastern although it might be a mix of grown-up former refugees and newer imports.  I see them walking along a canal toward a footbridge in the neighborhood of low Amsterdam type city buildings. The word Bruges keeps popping up. I see a white medium sized truck, a black pipe. The back of the truck is open and there seem to be pale brown sacks on the floor of the truck that are about 4 inches deep with a few areas that are not covered exposing the old metal floor. I see the Ayatollah Khomeini, the former leader of Iran.  I see IRAN in big letters. Where will they attack? I see water, similar to the Bataclan, by a canal maybe… is there a busy street by a canal in Amsterdam? What is this Bruges connection? I think there is a relationship between them and people in Bruges, other people, and maybe they were also there. (Svetlana)


  • Energy of this world is deteriorating towards chaos, confusion, needle of a meter reaching highest point, going into the red zone, overheating. (Doris)
  • Red warning signal. Green landmass, like on a (satellite) map. (Meghan)
  • America map on fire. (NJ)
  • Whale dolphins in the deep Ocean saving the world from cataclysms. (Helena)



  • White light covers everything. (Meghan)
  • More light comes through, my heart becomes warmer, positive change. (Ming)
  • A quiet year, fixing the damage. (Clara)
  • Children holding hands. (Donna)
  • More people feeling that the purpose of life connected to fulfilling their purpose rather than conspicuous consumption. (Ming)
  • Feeling a sense of cool breezes. (Bar)
  • People sleeping more peacefully. (Patti)
  • Progressive groups joining other groups to make a bigger difference. (Doris)
  • Young political leaders emerging with new ideas. A female is prominent again in the political arena. People are happier as new leadership emerging, which is more representative of US citizens. (Susan)
  • More people going back to church, places of worship for a collective peace. (Gail)


  •  We will be okay but it’s tough. Hoards of people, mothers and children, pressing in for care and attention. (Jeanne)
  • U.S.A. national newscaster personality in scandal. (Lisa P.)
  •  U.S. trying to get credibility back on the world stage. (Kirsten)
  • Trump out, that was definitive. Ryan in. (Svetlana)
  • The rich are richer. (Andrew)
  • Left and right are still split. (Linda)
  • U.S. not so important on the world stage right now. (Bob)
  • I see a clown with a pointed clowns hat, he’s here to make the kids smile. but he is sad. (Jeanne)
  • Many candles as a vigil. (Julie)
  • Quiet,  manual labor, no machines. (Terry)
  • From here to 2025, I had hot flashes and was sweating.  I only get those when I'm overwhelmed with a negative emotion that I can't release/undo. (Terry)


  • Greenland becoming greener. Villages along the coast. (Svetlana)


  • Crops are growing well. (Karen)
  • People are aging more healthfully. (Helena)
  • I love my neighbor as myself…We are all here to reap the benefits and share with one another.  The bullies are gone now. (Gail)
  • Children of this time are more self-aware. (Julie)
  • Attitude that working together cooperatively is the way to go locally and nationally. (Doris)
  • A new attitude in which others’ needs are important. (Donna)
  • Climate awareness and steps to care for the earth reaches new heights. Everyone knows it’s for real now. (Jeanne)
  • A renaissance. Focus on the arts. (Julie)
  • Hudson river water rising. (Svetlana)
  • Very bad storms, Trees blowing sideways. (Jeanne)


  • Feeling that the nervous energy of the collective is calming down. (Jeanne)
  • The Democrats are walking away. They have taken their ball and gone home to play among themselves. (Jeanne)
  • An influx of immigrants to the U.S. (Julie)
  • A man with a beard, a man who looks like Pence or John moccasin, a holy man like Jesus, (Jeanne)
  •  Bombs (Kirsten)
  • Red, seething energy. (Meghan)
  • Fewer trees. (Donna)
  • No more digital. (Andrew)
  • Light energy around us. (Bar)
  • A lof of new metal machines. (Julie)
  • Magnetic train tracks. (Meghan)
  • Not enough food. No water in dry lands. (Clara)
  • Women rising in U.S. politics. (Bluebelle)
  • More electric cars.
  • The earth is fragile. (Gail)


  • Energy in the Collective is calmer. (Jeanne)
  • Australia is fiery hot. (Jeanne)
  • Shift in energy. Everything feels lighter. (Meghan)
  • A bomb. (Clara)
  • Improved economy.  People back at work. (Bluebelle)
  • Plains states, the Heartland, dry yellow. (Svetlana)
  • A line of solidarity. (Gail)
  • Life is slowing down. Like parts of a chopped up plant that can live on their own. (Andrew)
  • Fashion takes a conservative turn. (Julie)
  • New hope, there could be and end to the tunnel, light is starting to come through. (Doris)
  • Green lizards everywhere. (Julie)
  • India subcontinent: climate getting to be too much. Typhoons. (Jeanne)
  • Sleepy energy. Tired. (Bar)
  • Dinosaurs in the news. (Jeanne)
  • Not quite there, but getting there. (Doris)
  • I am much happier during 2023. (Ming)
  •  We have hope, and have had to do a lot of letting go.  (Jeanne)
  •  Big parties, joyous celebrations outside of the U.S., in Western Europe. (Lisa P.)
  • Changing landscape. (Kirsten)


  • Farming gets creative. Improvements. (Karen)
  • I see it looking like forest and quiet roads. It is more peaceful, no more noise, no more focus on wealth and those that don’t have it. (Andrew)
  • Futuristic Wal-Mart. Automation taking over jobs. (Meghan)
  • Soldiers in Bangladesh getting people out of water. Cyclone ravaged land. (Clara)
  • Man in top hat, a politician.   (Bluebelle)
  • Former presidents gathered. I see George W. Bush, Clinton, Obama, smiling. Also Michele Obama. But I don’t see Melania. Where is she? She can’t show her face? (Svetlana)
  • I see my grandchildren more often now. (Ming)
  • The whole field is almost all bright beautiful light compared to how it was before. (Linda)
  • Change in the cash system. (Julie)
  • There is an issue with alligators in Florida. (Jeanne)
  • I see light coming through people’s hearts. (Bar)
  • Someone new in U.S. politics giving hope to the masses. A female energy, young, could have been hidden previously. (Doris)
  • A new development with airplanes. A new way to fly. (Pamela)
  • Jews exiting Palestine and regrouping in their own land. More peace there, Shaking hands. (Helena)
  • Golden light. (Julie)
  •  We have more clarity, moving forward, adjusted, climate is crazy, seas are rough, refugees on little boats trying to get to a better place. (Jeanne)


  • I hear cheers. (Jeanne)
  • Screaming & wild celebration over the new president. (Meghan)
  • Life is much better. (Joy)
  • Women more prominent. (Donna)
  • Facebook is done. (Julie)
  • Change for the better in American politics. (Doris)
  • Sunshine on the horizon. (NJ)
  • Sun shining, wheat growing. Beautiful wheat fields growing in the cool north. (Clara)
  • Calmer organized. (Terry)
  • Job security returns to US. (Bluebelle)
  • Outpouring of love for fellow citizens. (Bluebelle)
  • Barriers come down.  No more Republicans or Democrats.  No more ugly division.  Reconstruction of government. (Bluebelle)
  • Hungary and Czechoslovakia in the news. I see it is cold, people are in uniforms and making salutes. I’m not sure what this is about. (Svetlana)
  • Parliament judge trying to rectify things.  He may be waiving Brexit due to fraudulent beginnings.  (Jeanne)
  •  Important reptile species goes extinct. (Lisa P.)
  • Hope arising, (I saw a plant growing in the desert). (Kirsten)


  • New ways to grow food. (Gail)
  • Measles eradicated. (Cheryl)
  • Brilliant scientists at the forefront. (Julie)
  • The energy of the collective is lighter and more laid back even though people are also engaged in the work that is needed. (Jeanne)
  • Smiling more, laughing. (Bar)
  • A new normal in the collective. More heart and soul than just intellect. (Ming)
  • Aliens’ technology being discovered to help the planet. (Doris)


  • Yin/Yang symbol. Means that things have changed into their opposite. Life has slowed down. (Jeanne)
  • World less material, simpler times. (Julie)
  • Whole new ball game. World almost alien in technology. (Meghan)
  • Still soldiers evacuating lands. (Clara)
  • Farming flourishes.  Everyone grows crops.  Everyone with a piece of land grows food. (Bluebelle)
  • Bees come back.  No longer threatened. (Bluebelle)
  • India, too many people to help. Problems with electricity, technology, food, water, drought, heat, crowded, a huge transportation problem. People are hungry. (Svetlana)
  • The worst is over. Some politicians exposed. (Doris)
  • Sharing economy is prevalent. (Julie)
  • Not the year of greatest change, but will be a better world. (Mary L.)
  • More peace, activists hugging. (Helena)
  • Planning, increase movement, progress underway. (Terry)


  • Women in the U.S. very active. People seem gentler. A lot of meditation. (Jeanne)
  • Trouble hits. Water. Floods. (Meghan)
  • Animals in Africa are too hot. Giraffe is heating up. (Clara)
  • Automobile is funny. Looks like a space ship. Very flat, like a stingray. (Jeanne)
  • More happiness. (Donna)
  • Robots everywhere. (Ming)
  • Local farming, rooftop gardens. (Julie)
  • New method of transportation. Faster and more efficient. (Julie)
  • Mugabe or Zimbabwe in the news, something stirring there, riots, change, uprising, people are fed up. (Doris)
  • Problems with penguins due to climate change I see them drifting on the ice. (Doris)
  • Alien influence. Metal is back. (Terry)
  •  Waking up as if from a bad dream.  A man rises up from lying down position. Makes me think of Shakespeare, rising from the dead.  (Jeanne)
  •  Banana shortage. (Lisa P.)
  •  Railroad change…safety regulations. (Lisa P.


  • Olympics are in India. (Andrew)
  • Eastern Europe very cold. (Julie)
  • Young president brings hope. (Karen)
  • A cup overflowing. (Doris)
  • Focus on animals, seals, and the seas. (Jeanne)
  • More souls ascending. (Ming)
  • Making fruit preserve to survive. (Helena)
  • Darkness hits, time to act, no time left. (Meghan)
  • Too hot, people moving north. (Clara)
  • People are more protective of the environment, starting with their own property. (Bluebelle)
  • I see Putin, looking very small, hobbling with a cane, in his underwear. (Svetlana) (Editor: lol)
  • New beginning. (Terry)
  •  A bow.  Bow hunting in the news. (Jeanne)
  • A new bread of dog accepted into the ACA. (Lisa P.)


  • I feel that these years (2029-2030) is a period of recovery, like after WW2. (Andrew)
  • New hope for the young generation, a change of mind set all over the world. Children singing. (Doris)
  • Water shortage. (Julie)
  • A time of relaxation. (Julie)
  • Schools opening to educate children how to live on the lands and on this planet, and grow food. (Clara)
  • I see Ivanka and Jared looking dissipated. (Svetlana)

2029- 2032: Refugees from another country, babies crying.  (Jeanne)


  • Question: Who is running the U.S.? Answer: We are. (Jeanne)
  • No cars. (Clara)
  • Warm and fuzzy world. (Ming)
  • I see hill goats. More people are going to the mountains to live. (Helena)
  • Midwest is sun scorched. (Patti)
  • Young people coming together for the good of humanity and the planet. (Doris)
  • Brexit 2030? Gone. A new cooperation has been forged. (Jeanne)
  • The Trump kids are dissipated. Paul Ryan is also dissipated. The GOP is retreating into the plains of America where it is in a perpetual crisis of drought. They need water. California. (Svetlana)

2033: Native American victory for freedom/amnesty/respect. (Lisa P.)


  • I see a wilting bouquet of roses. Then they shift and look like a different type of flower. Speaks to the change in flowers in our world. Some will not make it in the 2050 world, others will become more prominent. (Jeanne)
  • Cars, roads, train travel totally different! Upper West Side of Manhattan buildings look taller, as if they were raised up. (Svetlana)
  • The world is so different. There has been a lot of migration. People build differently to protect from super storms and reduce need for fuel consumption. More below ground homes for temperature moderation. (Jeanne)
  • We’ve trashed the planet in a lot of places. Trying to learn from those mistakes. (Julie)
  • 2050 +: Trees grow again in the Colorado mountains, cooler climate bears happy sleeping. Bee’s pollinating more. (Helena)
  • Ruins of flooded coastal cities, overgrown and picturesque, have become tourist attractions. We live in smaller communities with cleaner technology land less people. (Andrew)
  • Materialism not so emphasized. (Doris)
  • Shaking off antiquity. (Ming).
  • Aliens helping us farm. (Meghan)


  • Center of U.S. is brown and barren, like Australia, in that most of population lives along coasts. (Bluebelle)
  • Aircraft holding 1-2 people, as common as cars, but much safer. (Bluebelle)
  • Europe changing city landscapes interwoven with diversity of land and architecture. Refugees brought their cultures, a mélange of new culture that is more open. (Svetlana)
  • New map, new divides, new borders and country shapes. (Gail)
  • Women in power. (Julie)
  • About 75% fewer people, but are healthier, and world is wilder than before. (Andrew)
  • I see a cello in a music room. So life does go on, art goes on, and some things are the same. (Jeanne)
  • Caribbean islands are sparse, some empty. (Jeanne)


  • I see a map of the U.S. New weather patterns. There is a wind or weather shift more northeast to southwest, then the other way around. (Jeanne)
  • People more in tune with their intuition. (Bluebelle)
  • Eastern seaboard of the U.S. is quiet, palm trees along southeastern seaboard. (Jeanne)
  • U.S. is still here but feels broken up. (Jeanne)
  • Huge migration to Canada. (Jeanne)
  • Palm trees and a vast plain. (Svetlana)
  • I see light, small flying vehicles that have replaced cars. They are very safe transportation. There maybe no guns at all. Food is more controlled, cleaner, better healthcare, and there are fewer people in the whole world. Pollution is cleaned up nearly almost entirely, and white bears roaring large like angels in white icy snowy light. (Svetlana)
  • Happier children. (Ming)
  • Most of the planet is without people. (Andrew)
  • I see a girl with a broad straw black hat. Smiling, lovely. (Jeanne)
  • France is still here. (Jeanne)
  • New language being spoken. (Julie)
  • Rural lifestyles. (Julie)
  • It’s like By the Waters of Babylon. (Julie)
  • It’s not space age, but sustainable housing that is super tech, sparsely populated, living not in big cities but small communities.
  • Much migration from India. China is a major world power.
  • Regrowth for the planet through artificial means, which helps recovery. (Donna)
  • I see an image of a family in 1900, back to a simpler time.

Other Positive Seeds We Saw Being sown in 2017: 

  • I saw the Christ statue over Rio. (Karen)
  • I feel my spiritual guide Babuji Maharaj, creating peace. (Kathleen)
  • I see children in costume, laugher, toward the end of the month. (Andrew)
  • Russia calms down and stretches more trade with European countries. (Helena)
  • Even though the news is bad, there are more positive experiences going on in individuals. (Andrew)
  • The negative Trump behavior is bringing out positive gestures and feelings in people. (Ming)
  • Love in the collective. People giving more because the government doesn’t. (Jeanne)
  • Women of Central Africa united walking arm and arm. (Gail)
  • Angels, bigtime-- making appearances to people. (Meghan)
  • Small changes are causing larger changes later, like the butterfly effect. (Heather)
  • I keep seeing the Coca Cola song. (Meghan)
  • Feeling sense of calm acceptance. "All will be resolved.” (Prem)
  • Native American with big feather headdress watching, speaking, about the land, about justice. (Jeanne) This may happen at Thanksgiving as Native Americans speak out about what really happened during the original TG. This event is a harbinger of coming earth justice.
  • Peaceful snow in November. (Ming)
  • I see prince Harry with Diana standing behind him, her hands on his shoulders, smiling proudly at her grown son. (Mary)

Kim K., Paul W, BlueBelle and 7 people reacted
Honorable Member Registered
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Posts: 114

Wow that's pretty wild to envision an earth with less people and flying cars!  But then again less people probably isn't a big surprise because I notice the trend lately is people aren't have big families like they used to.  Some are even going childless.


One question though on one of the items:

S. is still here but feels broken up. (Jeanne)

What is the S. that this is referring to?


Thanks for sharing the predictions, they are interesting!

Lola, Jeanne Mayell, Lola and 1 people reacted
Illustrious Member Admin
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Topic starter  

Thanks for finding that typo. It's U.S.  -- The U.S. is still here but feels broken up. 

Illustrious Member Moderator
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Fascinating.  Thank you Jeanne, for the summary, too.  That's was a lot of work compiling all the visions and analyzing the data!

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Interesting, thank you. Any idea who these women are? Another psychic I follow, Kirsten Langston, keeps getting 2 women cards that will bring Trump down every time she reads about him, but can't figure out who they are - "It’s time for a show down. Two people coming forward to testify. They look like the twins from the horror movie, The Shining. They are women. (Jeanne)"

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Hi! My mom (Meredith) and I took the class together. She didn't respond in the forum, but I took lots of notes. 

These were my own visions:

October - bird feathers with soiled tips, like tar, unable to fly. Stranded birds. Tightness in my throat.

November - Someone climbing onto the hood of a large truck

December - Trump leaning against a gold pillar, under a gold arch, sucking on a lolly pop.

January - A house with the windows half blocked by thick snowfall. Roof covered in snow, car almost buried in snow. 

February - a bright light.
A postal worker licking his fingers.

March - large spots of deadness. Rotten and foul smells, pools of sludge and decay, a lake filled with dead fish.

April - a shocking celebrity death - a starlet or important female?

May - large trucks moving across the highways in an epic convoy.
Something about Aladdin.

June - rope bridge in the mountains, climbers in the news.
A glamorous woman taking off her high heeled shoe and rubbing her foot.

July - new cell phone towers (that's what they look like). Someone standing on one of them and waving.

August - Transit news.
Big pools of stagnant mud.
Abandoned homes.

September - Woman facing a crowd, holding aloft a newspaper before the crowd. The crowd cheers. She is wearing blue, and a string of pearls.
"Math and Cash."
Scientists shaking hands and receiving checks.

October - I got nothing

November + December 2018 - a new kind of meat on the market

2019 - Boarded up gas stations, vacant lots for sale, long distances to travel between stations.
AIDS in the news

2020 - heard the words "third world aching for blood"

2021 - something about water as a source of power
A tower on an ice floe, breaking up and falling into sea

2022 - many colors everywhere, brightly hued banners in the breeze, and brightly painted homes. Neon colors are in.

2023 - shiny plastic, a new digital reader that uses fingerprints and voice.

2026 - lots of abandoned places

2030 - heard words "religion dying in many places"

2017 - food source from a flower
2018 - the word "nickolodeons." Also, "sub-zero" something

2019 - heard the words "active unrest leads to novel solution."

2020 - children on a schoolbus, touring the countryside.

2025 - major breakthrough in salt as power source

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D, thank you for posting these.  I am curious about no vision for October 2018. That's the same month that Meghan got a block .with a feeling that it was too upsetting and didn't want to see it.  Also that snowfall in January 2018 -- where do you live?  It's likely to be in your region of the country, so perhaps you could tell us. 

Diana,  Thanks for asking about the twins. I do not know who the twins are.  They came in a flash, just as they are presented in the Shining. But I thought that because of the Shining reference, they might be from Trump's past come back to haunt him. 

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Posted by: Jeanne Mayell

D, thank you for posting these.  I am curious about no vision for October 2018. That's the same month that Meghan got a block .with a feeling that it was too upsetting and didn't want to see it.  Also that snowfall in January 2018 -- where do you live?  It's likely to be in your region of the country, so perhaps you could tell us. 

I'm in Northern California, roughly between San Francisco and Sacramento. We do not typically have snow here, for what it's worth.

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Do -- regarding the snow -- perhaps it's something you'll be seeing in the media -- a place that's got enough snow to merit news coverage. Probably where I live in Mass - lol.

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Posted by: Jeanne Mayell

I do not know who the twins are.  They came in a flash, just as they are presented in the Shining. But I thought that because of the Shining reference, they might be from Trump's past come back to haunt him. 

I'm speculating here but Ivana and Melania come to mind as the potential twins.


This somewhat makes sense because well, Trump dumped Ivana and it doesn't take a genius to see that the relationship with Melania isn't going that well either.

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Thank you very much, fascinating.

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I really enjoy the positive predictions and looking forward to them. 

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What does


stand for? I see it at the beginning of many posts.

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For some reason, the U of U.S. keeps getting knocked off when I post....Okay, done.  Spooky that the U for United kept getting lobbed off when I posted.  The predictions show the U.S. will end up being half of what it was after 2019 or 2020.  

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Jeanne--do you have a sense of what 'half of what it was' means for the US? Half the geography, as Florida goes underwater and earthquake takes the west coast? Half the population as a mutated virus sweeps through? Half the 'size' it was as states fracture off and go for independence? Or simply half what it was in terms of international status? Maybe a bit of all of the above?

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We are losing our influence to shape world events by the day. The U.S. will have less and less influence in the world as time goes on (and we stay on our current course). Maybe we will be "half" as influential? The "American Century" is over. The "Chinese Century" is beginning.

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Runesstone, it is a good question and the one I've been pondering ever since the last meditation sessions. For the moment, though, please disregard the word, "half". I meant it as a figure of speech that we were diminished.

I've seen this coming for several years and initially thought it was an economic collapse in 2019 or 2020 from which we recover fully in 2027 or 8.   Now I don't know.  Our government has become unimaginably chaotic and destructive in less than a year.  

 I do not  trust the scary thoughts that flow through the  mind when thinking about this.  It's too easy to get carried away and imagine all kinds of dark situations.  

After they are carried out,  negative predictions usually end out being much less dire than they feel in advance. It's the mind's sensitivity to threat that raises alarm. 

That said, we are going to have storms from which we can't easily recover. That's happening now in Puerto Rico where people are leaving the island, possibly many of them for good. If there is another bad storm over the next two years then recovery would likely cease.

Bill McKibben, a climate science writer, not a psychic, predicted  that exact scenario in Eaarth (2010) where frequent superstorms would come too often and the U.S. government would no longer repair the damage. We'd become like a third world country in some areas, with a broken infrastructure. 

I think of Donald Trump, and the Koch Brothers who financed the rise of the extreme right, as being as destructive to our country as the storms (that Koch also had a hand in causing because he financed climate denial and we burned full speed ahead).  

We have unchecked chaos in Washington D.C. The people are  leaderless.  We pay taxes for an elected group to caretake but they just take.  And Trump has still not lifted the Russia sanctions, even though the 2017 Congress voted overwhelmingly (Republicans and Dems) for him to do so.   I also believe he is still feeding state secrets to Putin and feeding the oligarch dark money people. So there's another area where we are losing power. 

Now he's also tossed a grenade at  the U.S. health care system. 

One positive thing, however, is that we have seen that we come out of this better. More unified, stronger values, so much noise and craziness is cleared away.

The one thing I can imagine that fits is that because of all the chaos and pain that we are watching unfold now, and because of an economic decline, then in the mid to late 20's we finally elect a government that does not cater to monied interests like the banks, the military industrial complex, the health care behemoths, and  fossil fuel companies.

Instead we elect a government that does what government is suppose to do -- take care of its people. That results in a slower way of life and a slower economy. And that diminishes us as a world power.  But we are a happier people.

Then there is the possibility that we split apart as a country. I've seen us going in the direction of state and local control but I haven't yet seen a true split happening.

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I know it's not directed toward me but I thought I'd chime in here with my dowsing prediction regarding U.S. becoming half of what it used to be.


I'm predicting that U.S. will remain the same size geographically but it won't be as powerful as it used to be as a world leader.  And that's not quite a shock anyway if you look at how factories are shutting down and moving to China.  Plus I'm predicting that the military will shrink and will not have as many soldiers and weapons.  And I know it's not real pleasant but I am predicting that there will be nuclear weapon attacks on U.S. soil, which will destroy cities and they may never recover.  Plus like Jeanne mentions hurricanes will get stronger to the point it would be too expensive to keep rebuilding.  Key West is likely to be abandoned within the next 10 years because of this.

And that's it for me!

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Hey, Practical Nihilist, I had forgotten you'd predicted "half" what it used to be. I respect your dousing predictions, and your ability with dousing, so much so that after reading them I decided I need to learn the technique.  I thought Runestone (I love the names you guys use, by the way) thought I predicted it because I had used the word "half" in my prior post.    I wanted to say I hadn't meant it that way.  

I also agree with everything you just wrote.


And Paul, yes, China is coming in, and yes, agree with you.  And while saying all that, I still feel we will be happier.  The Danish have been surveyed to be the happiest people in the world, yet I don't see them wielding huge power. 

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Thanks Jeanne, yeah I got quite an interesting username Ha ha ha!  That's just from how I sometimes view life; it feels like just one big pointless game and we all die anyway in the end.  That, and obviously, I'm generally a practical person.  I don't care for doing things for the sake of doing them.  Even with this psychic phenomena I like how I can use it for practical applications such as finding the right home, deciding which job to pursue, etc...


As for dowsing, great I'm glad to hear it inspired you to research it!  I'm sure you know of online resources on dowsing but here is what I've learned that might benefit you:

  • When looking for a pendulum to use, try to find something that looks perfect for you.  I'm sure you know of metaphysical stores and they will have several pendulums for sale.  Try to avoid buying anything and make sure that it feels "right" to you.  There's no perfect pendulum for everyone and I use a stone pendulum that works well for me.  It may not work for you and you might be better off with a crystal or a metal one or whatever works for you.
  • At the start of each dowsing session I always ask, "Am I reading my higher self loud and clear?"  And I wait to see if I get a "yes" from the pendulum.  Otherwise I abort the reading session.  I know it sound stupid but sometimes I get too tired or am not in the right state of mind for accurate readings.  This helps with developing accuracy.
  • Each question I always start with, "At this current point in time..."  Dowsing is incredibly specific and I've found you have to do that and it may seem obvious but in the spiritual world time is viewed as a different concept.
  • Predictions are not always 100% accurate so I usually ask, "is it 90% or more likely that...."  So for example if you want to know if Donald Trump will still be president in the month of November I say, "At this current point in time is it 90% or more likely that Donald Trump will remain president in the entire month of November 2017?"

And that's it for me, hope that helps!

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