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Forum Guidelines: (1) Be kind and supportive, (2) use links to back up facts, (3) please don't promote outside psychics.

1. BE KIND & SUPPORTIVE: This forum is meant to be a safe place for people to comment so be kind. Posts that contain belittling or disparaging remarks will be removed. 2. BACK UP YOUR FACTS: We deal with both facts and intuitions here. Be sure to distinguish between your intuitive take on an issue and facts. Use news links to back up your facts.  3. NO PROMOTIONAL POSTS FOR PSYCHICS, ASTROLOGERS, MEDIUMS, HEALERS, holistic practitioners or products, will be removed. If you have a favorite psychic or astrologer you like, and you want to share their info, please do not do that on this website. If you want to promote something, send us a request using the contact form. Happy posting!

Forum Guidelines: (1) Be kind and supportive, (2) use links to back up facts, (3) please don't promote outside psychics.

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