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Estimable Member Registered
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Recently cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum took a hit in their market, but experts are saying that investors should hold fast and their may be signs of these currencies gaining more momentum in the future. What do you guys see concerning these things? Will they do well or will they fail?

There are so many potential benefits to cryptocurrencies including security, privacy, consumer control, and moving away form a centralized system like the federal reserve and banks. However, many stock market investor heavily recommend not investing into such a volatile and risky venture, though I wonder if they do it deliberately. If the whole planet invest in cryptocurrencies, stock brokers, bankers, and the federal reserve become obsolete.  

Just curious to see what people see...

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Cryptocurrency is the money of future. Financial system will change completely, just as you have said. The centralization of money system will end. However, that's part of a bigger game plan. 

Estimable Member Registered
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What do you mean by bigger game plan Asian? 

Thank you for replying. I've been curious by thus subject for awhile. 

Honorable Member Registered
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Ever wondered why goverments are legalizing a currency which they don't even control ? Why are they even allowing number of it's users to grow up ?

This currencies threaten goverment authority. Goverment can shut it down, but they won't. The plans revolve around creating a global corporate state with a one world currency(cryptocurrency). Where transactions can be tracked. Revelation is indeed 'revealing' .
