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2020 Monthly Full Moon Meditation Dates/Times

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These are for all forum members or any readers to join in a Full Moon Mediation on every full moon of every month. 

These are as individuals, each in our own locations, meditating, praying, thinking positive thoughts for ourselves, our families, this forum, and all others in this world or any other worlds to be lifted up by loving energies to their highest and best selves for the good of all.

Meditating to Jeannes Loving Kindness Mediation is a wonderful way to join in as well.


Tonight's special  seperate but wonderful additional mediation is today, Sunday February 2, 2020

Full Moon Calendar 2020


EST 9 p.m./CST 8 p.m/MT 7p.m./  PST 6 p.m

Those in other countries welcome at your corresponding times.

All welcome at any and all times as time is non-linear and non-local and it's truly the positive thoughts,  prayers of unification in the field that creates transformation and manifestation of the better world we all what to see and live in as more loving and  creative participants.



FEBbby23, Jeanne Mayell, Lilinoe and 15 people reacted
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@michele-b, I just noticed something in your post that delighted me -- the use of the word "mediation" instead of "meditation."   Was that intentional or accidental?   Either way, I think that's wonderful!  As we meditate, aren't we sometimes involved in mediation?  Mediation is defined as "intervention in a process or relationship in order to resolve it; intercession; arbitration."  It involves a 3rd party to mediate -- in our case, spirit.  

Am I making sense, or have I just had one too many cups of java?


Sophie, Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle and 11 people reacted
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<3... I believe meditation is mediation as we seek to "Lighten" the Collective.

Jeanne Mayell, Unk p, Michele and 5 people reacted
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I just noticed something in your post that delighted me -- the use of the word "mediation" instead of "meditation."   Was that intentional or accidental?   Either way, I think that's wonderful!  As we meditate, aren't we sometimes involved in mediation?  Mediation is defined as "intervention in a process or relationship in order to resolve it; intercession; arbitration."  It involves a 3rd party to mediate -- in our case, spirit.  

Am I making sense, or have I just had one too many cups of java?


<3... I believe meditation is mediation as we seek to "Lighten" the Collective.

You are simply and just too too Dee-light-ful ???

Happy 02022020 Groundhogs Day within our golden mean of a spiral where everything makes sense eventually --even me and thee x three ???

And if we believe there are no accidents as I do in a far larger sense--it was an accident.

One that I often repeat so autocorrect resurrects me. Hahaha it just changed my "re-correct" to resurrect! Case in point!

But I dearly dearly loved your looking up definitions with such a wonderful and deeply mediated-meditative-medicated response here. ?

And @journeywithme2 you are truly one of us and we are all so glad you're here!

JourneyWithMe2, Jeanne Mayell, deetoo and 7 people reacted
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Thank you for setting this up. I am in. :-)

Michele and Michele reacted
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I'm confused again -- so we'll be doing our next meditation on February 9th, following the Full Moon Calendar?
Okay, @michele-b,  I hear you over there, laughing  ... ? ? ? 

raindrop, TriciaCT, Michele and 3 people reacted
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Oh @deetoo???

Gotta love you woman. You are my kind of crazy ?

Yes! Our monthly Full Moon Meditation for this month will occur on the February Full Moon date for February listed on Farmers Almanac. Linked info below. 

The  full moon will occur on February 9th and is known by Native American tribes as the Snow Moon, Hunger Moon or Storm Moon.

2020 Full Meditation Moon Dates

Full Moon Mediation Times:

EST 9 p.m./CST 8 p.m/MT 7p.m./  PST 6 p.m

Full Moon Mediations Info



polarberry, Baba, Tiger-n-Owl and 11 people reacted
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 ? ? ? ? ? 

autocorrect attempts to censor me too!!!!  That was supposed to read meditation is the mediation we seek ROTFL  and Thank you Michele I am glad to be here amongst my "tribe"  I think it is appropriate to call this the Hunger Moon... for .. this is the time when the things that we desire that create satisfaction and Joy can be in thin supply..Our Native Americans call it that  as.. Winter still - stores being depleted and no Spring of fresh supply to nourish.. a time to be strong and endure hunger with the promise of Spring to strengthen us. As we face the tumultuous times ahead - we are currently "starving for good news, to see Justice prevail, to have our voices shine Light and integrate the Darkness in to the Light. In my line of work? I can definitely tell you... living beings ARE affected by the Full Moon and the pull of Luna.  As can all healthcare workers,EMT's, Police and Farmers :-) Just a thought... two quotes from one of my Favorite movies: City of Angels: " Some things are true whether you believe 'em or not." said Nathaniel Messinger  and this exchange between Seth and Maggie.. Seth: You're an excellent doctor.
Maggie: How do you know?
Seth: I have a feeling.
Maggie: That's pretty flimsy evidence.
Seth: Close your eyes. It's just for a moment.
[touches her hand]
Seth: What am I doing?
Maggie: You're... touching me.
Seth: Touch. How do you know?
Maggie: Because, I feel it.
Seth: You should trust that. You don't trust it enough.


ghandigirl, CC21, Lilinoe and 19 people reacted
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Posted by: @michele-b

The  full moon will occur on February 9th and is known by Native American tribes as the Snow Moon, Hunger Moon or Storm Moon.

2020 Full Meditation Moon Dates

Full Moon Mediation Times:

EST 9 p.m./CST 8 p.m/MT 7p.m./  PST 6 p.m

Full Moon Mediations Info



I’m in! As a bonus, an astrologer whose site I sometimes read says that this is crunch day for T. I think she indicated that this would be when the chickens come home to roost. I figure a little meditation on that day will be a powerful thing. Let’s make some light!

CC21, JourneyWithMe2, Lilinoe and 15 people reacted
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I'm adding this to my day-timer!

Baba, JourneyWithMe2, Lilinoe and 7 people reacted
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Our timing is opportune. And I have chickens so i absolutely know how to call them in to roost! 

Let's make some light indeed, Baba!



I’m in! As a bonus, an astrologer whose site I sometimes read says that this is crunch day for T. I think she indicated that this would be when the chickens come home to roost. I figure a little meditation on that day will be a powerful thing. Let’s make some light!

CC21, JourneyWithMe2, Lilinoe and 7 people reacted
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I'm in!


Baba, Michele, Baba and 1 people reacted
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Wonderful! Looking "forward" to it ?


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Hi Tribe. I am still busy with my soul project. But I’m checking in to say I stepped outside last night in the early morning hours to meditate under the Snow Moon. And I was struck by 2 things:

1) This full moon was much more white and luminous than moons I’ve seen in the past. Although I’ve only consciously started noticing and observing full moons in the past 4 months, so I don’t have a lot of comparisons to draw upon. 

2) Grandmother Moon looks an awful lot like the head portion of the Venus of Willendorf. Like the Venus, it looked like she was wearing a knit cap and had 2 tiny pinpricks for eyes (at least to me). Has anyone else made similar observations?

raindrop, Michele, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Alas I could only feel her pull... cloudy skies obscured completely any time I peered out to see if I could see her face.


Jeanne Mayell, Coyote, deetoo and 3 people reacted
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i haven’t meditated yet, but will this evening.  A thought came to me during meditation yesterday that I want to share with our Tribe.  When we meditate during the Snow Moon, let’s remember the people of Wuhan, those who are ill and those still healthy.  From everything I’ve read, it sounds like an humanitarian crisis in the making and the end is not in sight.  We should send our loving compassion and healing light to them.

Much love to you, our Tribe.


FEBbby23, Unk p, Lilinoe and 17 people reacted
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agreed... and.. so it is.


deetoo, Jeanne Mayell, raindrop and 3 people reacted
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I've been popping in to full moon meditate here and there in spates throughout this weekend--it just happened that way....not the way I would usually go about it. Last night, the sky was very thickly overcast here, but the one hole in the clouds allowed the moon to shine brilliantly and fully through it.

I was permeated by a good dose of moon glow, soft and powerful. My love to all you meditators (sp?) in the light of this beautiful moon; may you be uplifted and held in compassion, and may all those who suffer find comfort and peace. Namaste.

FEBbby23, Lilinoe, JourneyWithMe2 and 13 people reacted
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Oh my goodness! Please let our cloud cover lift. I so want to see see the Venus of Willendorf's head in tonight's Snow Moon!

As a grandmother as a lifelong full moon observer, admirer and one who looks for symbols in all things celestial.--I never saw her head here but how incredibly fitting.

Just as many have noted her anthropomorphic figure to be symbolic of a woman of age looking down upon her own matronly-rich and often abundant figure and like myself, who has been through countless fertility cycles, most likely birthed and nursed her children through many full moons and perhaps even as I Iove to do praised the amazing celestial and other worldly beauty.

I have also chanted, did toning, prayed,  and recited poetry and and danced under the glorious rays of Grandmother Moon--sp Coyote---your outer/inner vision seems most symbolic and aptly appropriate.

My other full moon symbolic tradition is from a long ago superstition. Grab an empty "handbag" and chant "fill her up, fill her up" as a promise of the emptoness of darkness and poverty changing to the fullness of abundant times ahead.

I also fill a jar with water to absorb her light and use my moon blessed holy water as a purifying, cleansing and blessing agent of celestial blessings and light.

Dance, chant, praise and pray in any and all beliefs and languages and fill up our coffers and those of a hurting and hurtful world inside and out tonight, Sunday February 9, 2020

And yes @bluebells has so graciously reminded our hearts, pray for containment, treatment and hope for those with all peoples everywhere with the coronavirus--but especially in the Wuhan provinces who have been so quarantined and separated from the rest of the world.

Pray pray pray and bless them with strength and healing energies and great love from all of us.


2020 Full Meditation Moon Dates

Full Moon Mediation Times:

EST 9 p.m./CST 8 p.m/MT 7p.m./  PST 6 p.m

Full Moon Mediations Info


FEBbby23, Lilinoe, BlueBelle and 9 people reacted
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Ahhh Michele-b... from one Crone(Wise woman definition)  to another.. thank you for the memory of the Full moon chant by an old friend long passed. She survived Nazi Germany as a child - her number tattooed on her inner left forearm... She would step out in to the night air at midnight and raise up her empty pocketbook held wide and high as her arms would reach "Full moon, full moon, full moon..fill my pocketbook..fill it full, fill it full, fill it full".. said 3 times. She would smile a beautiful smile of thanks and lower her arms and breathe in the moonlight and then in to the house to go to bed and dream peacefully. Dorothea I remember and send you my love from here. My waist length white hair, wrinkled face,and goddess shaped figure will be out tonight my old blue eyes shining up at tonight's Snow moon,Hunger Moon, Cherokee peoples Bone Moon. We shall dance,chant and fill our coffers and our hearts this night.


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