Try this ancient meditation for true healing

Vocals and photos by Jeanne Mayell; music by  Emmy award winning Matt Paviolatis who was so kind to let me use his music. When brain researchers asked Buddhist  monk Mathieu Ricard to meditate on compassion, his brain lit up  the brain scanning equipment  showing the greatest levels of happiness and well-being ever recorded [Read More...]

Having everything in one powerful (mindful) moment

Being truly present is hard and takes practice,  but the reward is... well... everything.  What do I mean by "everything"? When you pause for a moment  and  focus on being here now, your awareness opens wide like a camera aperture, enabling you to let in all the light in  your life. You also are wiring [Read More...]

The Positive Lessons of Negative Cards in the Tarot

People need not be afraid of negative cards in the Tarot any more than they need be afraid of negative thoughts.  Here is how to approach  reading  them. 1. The Tarot represents consciousness, not events.    Negative cards  can look scary, like someone is in pain.  The Rider Waite deck has some gruesome images of [Read More...]

2022-05-15T12:29:47-04:00By |Self Awareness and Growth, Tarot|

Using Heavenly Energies to Liberate Yourself

The heavens are always in flux, which stirs up the energies that effect you.    Whether it's a new moon, a full moon, an eclipse, or some heavenly body  going in or out of retrograde, these fluctuating energies  give you a chance to release  old stuck stuff and catapult yourself forward into something new. Here's [Read More...]

Raise Your Psychic Energy and Your Happiness with Gratitude

Grace is found in the chalice of gratitude.  -- anon The Dalai Lama said, "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." Now neuroscience is showing that you can change your brain and raise your energy levels with a few daily practices. One of the simplest  yet most powerful ways [Read More...]

Willing Your Way

Whether you know it or not, you are creating the direction of your life every minute with your thoughts. I started noticing this phenomenon many years ago when using the Tarot to see the direction a person's life was taking.  I'd sometimes see lives unfolding according to the person's unconscious expectations, i.e., the subliminal thoughts [Read More...]

Seven Steps to Giving an Insightful Tarot Reading

The trick is to quiet the mind, be in the moment, and allow awareness to come to the surface. Research shows that everyone is intuitive, including you. Your intuition is in your body, accessible through your senses. You just have to feel what's going on with you below the surface because what's going on is [Read More...]

2024-02-25T16:28:10-05:00By |Self Awareness and Growth, Tarot|

Dynamic Optimism or 12 Steps to Reaching Fulfillment

  We all ultimately want fulfillment.    Since your intentions  and your actions determine whether fulfillment will be yours, it's important to thoroughly shift to the positive.  In other words, to get the life you want, adopt a habit of interpreting your experiences positively and then take actions that influence positive outcomes.  This is not [Read More...]

Wondrous Loving Kindness Meditation

Check out this ancient meditation and bask in its effects.  Rick Hanson, Ph.D., the neuropsychologist who wrote Buddha's Brain, sites brain scan research showing the beneficial health effects of meditation, especially a loving kindness mindfulness meditation like this one. If you decide to try the audio tape, I'd love to hear how it made you [Read More...]

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